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founds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />• Attorney Karney advised this would be the first <br />commercial condominium project in Mounds View. He <br />stated he is awaiting paperwork from the attorney <br />from Everest Development, and it will take him one <br />to two weeks to review it and prepare an answer. <br />Bill Frank, of the Everest group, apologized, as <br />he had thought the papers had been delivered already. <br />He stated he would make sure they were delivered <br />first thing the following morning. He stated they <br />would like to move this through the City as quickly <br />as possible. and requested the Council corisi-der <br />granting approval tonight, subject to the review <br />by the attorney. <br />Mr. Nelson explained how this area was originally <br />planned with a full service. sit-down restaurant in <br />mind, but after doing market research, they realized <br />that type of operation would most likely not be <br />successful in this location. He added that Taco <br />Bell and Kentucky Fried Chicken are owned by the <br />same parent company. Both restaurants plan to be <br />open and operating by fall, before school starts. <br />Mayor Hankner closed the public hearing and reopened <br />• the regular meeting at 7:43 PM. <br />May 22, 1989 <br />Page Four <br />Motion/Second: Blanchard/Wuori to approve Resolu- 12. Consideration <br />tion No. 2485, reapproving a conditional use permit of Resolution <br />to construct a public facility in an R-1 district No. 2485, <br />for the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, at Reapproving a <br />2345 County Road H, Planning Case No. 230-87, and CUP for MWCC, <br />waive the reading. 2345 County <br />Road H <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion/Second: Paone/Quick to approve Resolution 13. Consideration <br />No. 2486, approving a planned unit development and of Resolution <br />two conditional use permits for Everest Development's No. 2486, <br />Taco Bell and Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants, Approving a PUD <br />Planning Case Nos. 264-89 and 265-89, contingent and Two CUPs <br />upon the City Attorney reviewing the condominiumi- for Everest <br />nation documents, and Staff reviewing and approving Development <br />the changes presented tonight. <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />• <br />