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Mounds view City Council June 12, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting. Page Six <br />The maximum depth. of the pond will be 5', with an <br />average depth of 3', with a 5 to 1 slope. <br />Mr. Nelson reviewed the findings of the traffic " <br />engineering report, and he also reviewed the pro- <br />posed plantings for the property. He also explain- <br />ed the PUD process, of which the first two steps <br />have been completed. <br />Mr. Nelson explained the two wetland alteration <br />permits they are requesting, and reviewed the <br />plans for public improvements. <br />Theresa Lexon, 5229 Jeffrey Drive, asked if the <br />buildings. would be two story. <br />Mr. Nelson explained they will be 24' high., which <br />would allow for 20' high warehouse areas, or office <br />space to be put on a second floor. They-will not <br />know what is required until leases are signed, but <br />they are anticipating 15°s of the project will be <br />office space. The buildings are light industrial, <br />and they will have an office building appearance <br />from the outside. <br />Ms. Lexon asked if there would be trucking in the <br />area, and whether they would go down Woodale Drive. <br />Mr. Nelson stated there would be, and the interior <br />circulation has been designed to keep the trucks <br />away from the parking and office space. The trucks <br />would have access onto Highway 10 or County Road H <br />and they do not believe they would use Woodale to <br />the west. <br />Gary Olson, no address given, asked why Woodale was <br />being upgraded. <br />Mr. Nelson replied it is to meet the requirements of <br />the City. <br />Mr. Olson stated he had been told by the City Engineer <br />that sign s cannot be posted prohibiting truck. traffic. <br />Mr. Minetor explained Woodale is a Minnesota State Aid <br />s reet, which must be constructed to State Aid standards <br />to continue receiving the aid, and they cannot prohibit <br />trucks from a State Aid street. He added it had been <br />one for several years.. <br />Mayor Hankner explained the City is trying to use the <br />State gas tax money that is available, and the City is <br />subject to certain guidelines and requirements of the <br />State. <br />