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Mounds View City Council June 12. 1989 <br />' Regular Meeting Page Eight <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />• Tim White, 5249 Greenfield, stated he felt the road <br />would have truck traffic. <br />Mayor Hankner explained the City is required to <br />designate streets for State aid, and City Staff <br />goes out and assesses the need for repair of roads <br />in the City, and then designate those most in need <br />of repair or construction. <br />Mr. Minetor explained the. State requires compliance <br />with the State Aid system,-and he reviewed that <br />process. The City designated Woodale as a State <br />Aid street to allow for better access for the <br />residents. <br />Mayor Hankner also pointed out the property was <br />zoned as a result of the Comp Plan. <br />Mr. White stated h.e is pleased with. the effort th,e <br />City and Council is making to attract good businesses <br />but he is still very concerned about the extension <br />of the road, and questioned why they couldn`t use the <br />Perkins exit. <br />Mr. Nelson explained there is a 4' difference ,n <br />. elevation, as well as a one-way traffic flow for the. <br />north side of the project. Upon questioning, Mr. <br />Nelson stated they would agree to stopping Woodale <br />at the western edge. of their property, but they must <br />follow the direction of the City. <br />Mayor Hankner stated the Comp Plan was formally <br />adopted and the Council has to address the issue. <br />They are in the process of updating the Comp Plan <br />with the Planning Commission and will be holding <br />public hearings in the near future. <br />Ed Donatelle, 5269 Jeffrey Drive, asked if Woodale. <br />would be widened at th.e School District property, <br />pointing out it is already narrower than most roads <br />in the City. <br />Mr. Minetor stated the School District is willing to <br />give up the necessary area. The widening of the road <br />will not affect the ball fields or tennis courts. <br />John Ostlund, representing Independent School Di,stx.ict <br />#621, explained they have met with the developer and <br />reviewed the plan and they are. willing to give up the <br />easement access: to have a safety fence and a natural <br />berm, and .they axe willing to give up the, property on <br />the School Diatri:.ct side. He pointed out that add- <br />tional xoads axound the school, especially out to <br />Highway 10, w.,ll greatly enhance the transportation <br />flow... to .and ~ro~n the scli.ool . A recommendation will <br />be going to the School Board oii June 26. <br />