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Mounds View City Council June 26, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />. Mayor Hankner closed the regular meeting and opened 8. Public Hearing: <br />the second public hearing at 7:14 PM. Application <br /> for Wetland <br />Ms. Hren explained the applicant has applied for a Alteration <br />wetland alteration permit to erect a fence around Permit for <br />his lot, which would be within the 100' buffer zone 2208 Lois Drive <br />of the wetland. The fence will be 4' and 6' in <br />height, but will not be within the wetland itself. <br />The City Engineer has reviewed the application and <br />recommends that, due to the topography and ditch, <br />the fence be constructed 3' back from the top of <br />the bank, to allow room for maintenance of the <br />ditch. <br />Michael Read, 2208 Lois Drive, owner of the pro- <br />perty, explained the fence will be chain link and <br />will be 6' in some sections to keep kids from <br />going over it. He agreed to move it 3' back, but <br />noted there were trees that would still be in that <br />area. <br />Mayor Hankner closed the public hearing and <br />reopened the regular meeting at 7:18 PM. <br />Motion/Second: Paone/Blanchard to approve Reso- <br />• lution No. 2505. for a wetland alteration permit <br />for Michael Read, 2208 Lois Drive, and waive the <br />reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Mayor Hankner stated she had attended the Park 9. Discussion of <br />Commission meeting last week. It may be necessary Parks and <br />to set some special meetings to meet with the Park Public Works <br />Commission to review the standards for parks and Maintenance <br />public works. They need to review this and come to Standards <br />an agreement before much further work is done in the <br />parks. <br />Councilmember Quick .stated he was concerned about the <br />SYSCO property, as it had been determined not to do <br />a usage study of park land at this time, and he <br />recommended the Council look closely at doing the <br />study and budgeting for next year. <br />Mayor Hankner explained this had been <br />at the budget session, and is part of <br />plan, for 1991. She added she agrees <br />needs to be done, and they are in the <br />updating the Comp Plan, and they also <br />develop the park plan. <br />discussed <br />the five year <br />the study <br />process of <br />need to <br />