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Mounds View City Council June 26, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Nine <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />. Mayor Hankner stated the interpretation of direct <br />or indirect interest will be left to Attorney Karney. <br />There was considerable discussion among the Council <br />before taking the vote on the motion. <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated she feels it is a <br />very minor point, but, as she has stated in the past. <br />if there is a law, they must enforce it or change the <br />law. <br />Councilmember Paone reiterated he did not see any <br />problem with Mr. Waste holding the license and <br />having interest in two separate liquor establish- <br />ments in the City. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley advised SYSCO has requested <br />an amendment to the utility agreement they entered into <br />with the City of Mounds View and City of Blaine, to <br />change the thirty day cancellation clause to six months, <br />to allow greater time for the company to find an <br />alternative water source in the event the agreement is <br />cancelled. The Blaine City Council has agreed to the <br />amendment. <br />Motion/Second: Paone/Wuori to approve the first <br />amendment to the agreement between the City of Mounds <br />View and City of Blaine for the purpose of permitting <br />certain property in the City of Mounds View to <br />connect to the municipal water system of the City of <br />Blaine for fire protection services, and authorize <br />the Mayor and Clerk/Administrator to enter into the <br />agreement. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />16. Consideration <br />of Staff Memo <br />Regarding <br />Mounds View/ <br />Blaine Joint <br />Powers Agreement <br />for SYSCO Water <br />Connection <br />Motion Carried <br />Theresa Lexxon, 5229 Jeffrey Drive, asked if there was 17. Additional <br />an ordinance governing the landscaping of businesses Residents <br />within the City. She stated there is a c onsiderable Requests and <br />amount of neglect at B rooks gas station, Mr. Donut and Comments from <br />Robert's Off 10, with the lawns not being mowed, the Floor <br />garbage, broken glass, broken fences, and so forth. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley explained there is no <br />ordinance concerning landscaping, but new develop- <br />ments are required to enter into a development agree- <br />ment which includes a landscaping plan. Development <br />agreements began in the mid-70s. He added the courts <br />have ruled that government cannot dictate how people <br />• maintain their lawns, as long as noxious weeds are not <br />involved. <br />