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Mounds View City Council June 26, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Eight <br />. Attorney Karney reported that under the ordinance <br />in Chapter 100.06, interest in more than one <br />license in the same class by one individual is <br />not allowed. Mr. Waste has an interest in both <br />Loose Ends on ZO and Robert's Off ZO, and has been <br />aware for over a year that it is against the <br />ordinance. The interest he has in Loose Ends on <br />10 is a fee interest. <br />Councilmember Paone questioned why he couldn't <br />receive the license, as he is only the owner and <br />not the operator of Loose Ends on 10. <br />Attorney Karney read from the ordinance, which <br />states interest is not allowed in any other establish- <br />ment in the City. In the past the Council has <br />required the property be put in someone elses name, <br />which Mr. Waste has done in the past and could do <br />again. <br />Councilmember Quick pointed out that once in the <br />past the City took no action on the renewal of a <br />license and the property reverted back to the <br />original owner. The Council was advised by Attorney <br />Meyers at that time that they must issue a license. <br />He pointed out the property could possibly revert <br />i back to Mr. Waste, leaving him with two liquor <br />licenses. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley stated giving a person <br />a license is granting a property right, and if it <br />is not renewed. they are denying the right of the use <br />of the property. <br />Councilmember Blanchard pointed out Mr. Povlitzki <br />held two licenses at the same time, althought it <br />was not known by the Council at that time and was <br />done in error. <br />Councilmember Quick pointed out Mr. Waste has been <br />aware of this situation for at least one year and <br />has had ample time to work out a solution. <br />Attorney Karney advised Mr. Waste would have to <br />divest himself of the ownership interest in Loose <br />Ends on 10. <br />Motion/Second: Quick/Wuori to approve the issuance <br />of the license for on-sale intoxicating and Sunday <br />sales license for Robert's Off 10, contingent upon <br />divestiture of ownership of Loose Ends on 10 by <br />Robert Waste, in a manner acceptable to the City <br />Attorney, prior to the close of business at 4:30 PM <br />on June 30. 1989. <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />