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Mounds View City Council June 26, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Twelve <br />--------------------------------------------------------------------'----- <br />Mr. Minetor replied the proposal is for the north <br />end of the asphalt to be the north curb line, with <br />the widening to the southf which would be the <br />safest and most immediate improvement to the area. <br />An unidentified resident stated he did not feel <br />the road would enhance the homes. <br />Mr. Minetor reported the School Board has expressed <br />interest in the wetland alteration and Woodale Drive <br />extension, but they did not feel they had had enough <br />.time to review the proposals and they directed their <br />Staff to continue to explore both items. <br />Tim Nelson. of Everest Development, stated the <br />School Board approved continuing to discuss the <br />wetland improvements and to cooperate with the <br />City on Woodale and leave the decision to the City <br />on that. <br />Mayor Hankner stated the road extension is not a <br />School Board matter, but rather a Council matter. <br />The School Board only has to deal with the easement <br />issue. They do, however, need formal action on <br />the wetland issue. <br />Ms. Lexxon asked if rent is paid to the School <br />District for the use of the Edgewood Community <br />Center. <br />Mayor Hankner replied the program is operated by <br />the School District, and the School Board is the <br />governing body, and makes decisions on the use. <br />Wally Steiner, 5220 O'Connell, presented the <br />Council with a petition of people who would <br />like to see the road left as it is, as well as <br />the wetland. He stated that when added to the <br />petition presented two weeks ago, they have 137 <br />signatures total. <br />Mayor Hankner pointed out the Council cannot <br />deal with the wetland alteration permit until the <br />Council knows what the School Board will be doing, <br />as they are the owners of the property. <br />Mr. Nelson suggested adopting the resolutions <br />contingent upon receiving approval from the School <br />Board. <br />Bill Frank, of Everest Development, stated their <br />preference would be to have the resolution passed <br />that approves the development and requiring a <br />development agreement to be entered into, taking <br />the wetland proposal into consideration. He added <br />