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Mounds View City Council July 10, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />• <br />• <br />Mr. Voto summarized the report and also speculated <br />on what the City could expect from the Legislature <br />in the near future. <br />It was noted that Linda Runbeck was present, from <br />the State Legislature. <br />Mr. Brager explained the cost overrun that occurred, <br />due to the establishment of .the fixed asset system <br />and upgrading of the City's comprehensive annual <br />financial report. <br />Motion/Second: Blanchard/Paone to pay an addi- <br />tional amount of $4,328.00 to Voto. Tautges, Redpath <br />& Co., Ltd., for accounting services provided rela- <br />tive to establishment of a fixed asset accounting <br />system and assistance in upgrading the City's com- <br />prehensive annual financial report to meet reporting <br />standards promulgated by the Government Finance <br />Officers Associations and to authorize budget <br />transfers from the contingency accounts of the <br />general fund in the amount of $2,596.80, from the <br />water fund in the amount of $820.60 and from the <br />sewer fund in the amount of $820.60. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Boyd Paulu, of BRW Inc., explained he was the project <br />manager for the improvement of County Road J. He <br />reviewed the plans for the upgrading and presented <br />maps of the area, showing the work to be done. The <br />plan is to widen the road for 4 lanes, for a 52' <br />total width. .The cost of the project will be <br />distributed between Ramsey County, Anoka County and <br />the cities of Blaine, Mounds View and Spring Lake <br />Park. The cost estimate for Mounds View, in accor- <br />dance with Ramsey and Anoka County policy and past <br />practices, will be approximately $41.219. That <br />estimate does not include the cost of any land <br />acquisition. <br />Lloyd Bardwell, 2932 County Road J, questioned <br />why a sidewalk was planned as it would not go <br />anywhere or connect to anything. He pointed out <br />his house is the only one that would front the <br />sidewalk. He also questioned who would maintain it. <br />Mayor Hankner explained the City maintains the <br />sidewalks. She also stated she agreed that Mr. <br />Bardwell raised a good point about the sidewalk. <br />Motion Carried <br />10. Informational <br />Meeting: <br />Reconstruction <br />of County <br />Road J <br />• <br />