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DATE APPROVED: 8/28/89 <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />Regular Meeting <br />August 14, 1989 <br />Mounds View City Hall <br />2401 Hwy. 10, Mounds View, MN 55112 <br />------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br />The Mounds View City Council was called to order by <br />Mayor Hankner at 7:00 PM on Monday, August 14, 1989. <br />The Pledge of Allegiance was said. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilmembers Wuori. Quick, <br />Blanchard, Paone and Mayor Hankner. <br />ALSO PRESENT: Cith Attorney Karney, Clerk/Administra- <br />tor Pauley, Public Works Director Minetor and City <br />Planner Hren. <br />Motion/Second: Paone/Wuori to approve the July 24, <br />• 1989 minutes as corrected. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />There were no residents requests or comments from the <br />floor. <br />1. Call to <br />Order <br />2. Pledge of <br />Allegiance <br />3. Roll Call <br />4. Approval of <br />Minutes.: <br />July 24, 1989 <br />5. <br />Mayor Hankner closed the regular meeting and opened the 6. <br />first public hearing at 7:05 PM ._ <br />City Planner Hren reviewed the request of the applicant <br />for a minor subdivision at 7490 Knollwood Drive. The <br />Planning Commission has reviewed the request and <br />recommends approval. <br />Dave Mesaros, 7474 Knollwood Drive, noted the lots in <br />that area are low and asked if there would be a <br />requirement for filling it in, and if so, who would be <br />responsible for paying for it. <br />Ms. Hren explained when the building plans are submit- <br />. ted for the new home, drainage plans will be reviewed <br />at that time, to assure there will be no further <br />drainage from the property than already exists. She <br />added the developer would be responsible for any costs <br />involved. <br />Motion Carried <br />Residents <br />Requests and <br />Comments <br />Public Hearing: <br />Application for <br />Minor Sub- <br />division by <br />E. Mezzano, <br />7490 Knollwood <br />Drive <br />