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,r <br />Mounds View City Council October 23, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Mayor Hankner noted with Item C that it is not clear <br />in the September 29 memo from Staff that this is a <br />temporary position. <br />Park and Rec Director Saarion clarified that it is a <br />one year contract. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley suggested adding a can- <br />cellation clause, with 30 days written notice. <br />It was the concensus of the Council that that would be <br />agreeable. <br />Motion/Second: Hankner/Paone to authorize the Athletic <br />Coordinator position and hiring of Marvin Johnson, Jr., <br />pursuant to the Staff recommendation dated September <br />2 9, 1 98 9, with a 30 day cancellation clause. <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Mayor Hankner asked what the wetland alteration permit <br />is for under Item G. <br />Ms. Hren explained this is a single family home, and <br />they plan on taking down the garage and replacing it, <br />as well as putting on a kitchen addition. The property <br />in question is in the wetland buffer zone, which <br />• necessitates the wetland alteration permit. <br />Motion/Second: Hankner/Wuori to set a public hearing <br />for 7:05 PM on November 13, 1989, for Khosrow Daivari, <br />7028 Knollwood Drive to consider a wetlands alteration <br />permit. <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Ms. Hren explained this is the second reading of the 9. Second Reading <br />ordinance and an opportunity to address any further and Adoption <br />questions. of Ordinance <br />No. 479 <br />Warren Johnson, 7710 Greenwood Drive, stated he felt <br />this had happened so fast, and he has a list of names <br />of people who are against this proposal. He stated <br />people were not notified properly, and a main concern <br />is the location of the building, which is not acceptable <br />to those accross the street. He added people have not <br />had time to address this properly. He stated three <br />things will hurt with. the development, one being an <br />increase in traffic, that the restaurant should be <br />located elsewhere on the property, buffered by the <br />building or even inside the building, the exit should <br />be blocked onto County Road I, or at least aligned <br />with Greenwood Drive, and a pedestrian crossing added <br />on County Road I. <br />