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Mounds View City Council October 23, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />• Mayor Hankner explained the pro~alems the City has had <br />in the past in getting the County to do anything on <br />County Road I. <br />Mr. Johnson read from a section of State statutues, <br />stating it was his opinion it gave them 60 days to <br />look at this further. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley advised of the referendum <br />process available under the Charter. <br />City Attorney Meyers advised that not all laws or <br />ordinances are subject to referendum. <br />JoAnne Koleen, 2617 County Road I, stated that if <br />Hardees is constructed, she will look out her front <br />window into Hardee's drive through window. She stated <br />she built her home two years ago and has seen develop- <br />ment occur all around her, and she does not want to <br />see Hardees that close to County Road I. She added <br />there is a problem already with traffic and litter in <br />the area. <br />Robert Grace, no address given, stated he lives across <br />the street and questioned what the hours would be. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley explained the approvals <br />before the Council do not specify operating hours, <br />and the Council has the option to set them if they <br />choose to do so. <br />Molly Ryan, 7755 Eastwood, asked if the Council received <br />a copy of the petition, with over 140 signatures. She <br />stated they can get more signatures if needed. She added <br />she would rather work with Hardees and stated it could be <br />moved elsewhere in the shopping center so it is not <br />directly across from the homes. <br />Mayor Hankner acknowledged she had received the petition <br />before the meeting. She pointed out, however, that <br />legal procedures were followed with the notification, <br />and the public hearing had been opened and closed without <br />any comments. Legally, the petition cannot be entered <br />into the public record at this time. She added it might <br />be appropriate for the Council to ask Staff to hold an <br />informational meeting between the residents and Paster <br />Enterprises and see if a compromise can be worked out. <br />Mr. Johnson asked what the problem was in holding up the <br />process. <br />Mr. Meyers explained the City could be sued for being <br />. arbitrary and capricious, as well as being sued for <br />damages. He pointed out the City would be liable, not <br />the residents. <br />