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Mounds View City Council October 23, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />• Mr. Johnson stated he felt that was a threat to the <br />residents. <br />Councilmember Quick pointed out it would have been <br />much easier if the residents had come in earlier, <br />at the time of the public hearing, to voice their <br />opinions then. He added they are two weeks late and <br />are asking the Council to do something that is arbi- <br />trary and capricious. <br />Mr. Johnson stated he had only received 9 days notice <br />before the. meeting,. which was not enough. time. <br />Mayor Hankner reviewed the requirements for notices, <br />stating that the City met those requirements. <br />Jason Lee, 7745 Eastwood, stated he had moved into his <br />home in early July and did not receive a notice. <br />Mr. Meyers explained the City uses County records or <br />utility records for mailing to the property owners, <br />and if the change in ownership of the property had not <br />been filed by the parties involved, it would have been <br />sent to the previous owner. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley verif ied the notice was <br />. mailed to the previous owner, according to County <br />records, with the Post Office forwarding-the letter to <br />him. The County is about six months behind in changing <br />their computer records. <br />Ms. Koleen stated .she was gone when. her notice was received, <br />others were on vacation, others had just moved in, and it <br />is not the residents fault they didn't know what was going <br />on. <br />Mayor Hankner explained the problems encountered in the <br />past in getting residents involved and. informed, giving <br />examples. of the Everest South development, and the Amoco <br />station on Highway 10. She asked how the Council could <br />make sure the residents pay attention to what is going on. <br />Mr. Johnson questioned the determinations made in the <br />resolution passed by the Planning Commission, recommending <br />approval of this proposal. <br />Mayor Hankner explained the Planning Commission had this <br />before them for a number of meetings, and she again asked <br />how the residents would suggest the City inform them. <br />Rod Krass identified himself as the attorney for the <br />person who will own Hardees, and stated this is the seventh. <br />. City Council or Planning Commission meeting they have <br />attended, in addition to numerous meetings they have <br />with Staff. He stated they have worked hard to fit into the <br />City and they have met the requirements and directions of <br />