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Mounds View ity Council December 26, 1989 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />~ rk/Admini trator Pauley explained the original plan <br />was to put f nance and word processing on the system, <br />but problems were encountered with word processing,, in <br />that it slow d down the system,, and a decision was <br />made to sepa ate the word processing function from the <br />finance func ion, and put a stand-alone PC. He added <br />some program are not compatible with Texas Instru- <br />ments. <br />Mr. Linke st ted he feels the Council made a mistake <br />at the time f purchase of the Texas Instruments <br />system. <br />Clerk/Administrator Pauley replied they are working <br />on rectifyin the situation, and it was not so much a <br />mistake as n under estimation of usage. He pointed <br />out that to hnology has changed so much that to tie <br />into a main tame system is antiquated. PC's basically <br />network wit each other,. and it is planned to do <br />some time d wn the road; when all areas have PCs. <br />The two PCs planned for purchase now will network <br />with one la er printer. <br />Motion/Seco d: Paone/Quick to approve the purchase <br />f two pets nal computer systems and printer from <br />~1Y Comput rs at a cost of $5.018.35 to be charged <br />to Account ~o. 100-4190-703. <br />5 ayes ! 0 nays <br />Councilmem er Quick stated he was present when the <br />first comp ter was authorized to be purchased. He <br />pointed ou the number has increased since that <br />time, as w 11 as the demand, and asked if Staff had <br />increased ince that time. <br />Clerk/Admi istrator Pauley replied the number of <br />Staff had of increased, but the number of PCs <br />being utli ed by Staff has increased, and efficien- <br />cies have 'ncreased. <br />Councilmem~er Quick stated he felt they were doing <br />things fas er,, better and cheaper. <br />Mayor Hank er closed the regular meeting and opened <br />the public hearing at 7:20 PM. <br />Clerk/Admi istrator Pauley explained TJB Cos., had <br />requested waiver of the Highway 10 moratorium <br />~zstrict r quirements to modify an existing sign on <br />-their prop~rty. However, City Planner Hren reported <br />Motion Carried <br />8. Public Hearing: <br />Consideration <br />of Request of <br />TJB Cos. for <br />Waiver of <br />Highway 10 <br />Moratorium <br />Requirements <br />