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Mounds View City Council December 13, 1999 <br />Regular Meeting Page 9 <br /> <br />City Administrator Whiting stated staff has researched this matter. He advised that the work <br />performed by the outside consultant still requires to be reviewed and checked for accuracy on <br />behalf of the City. He explained that he is aware of previous situations, where they have <br />outsourced utility bills, and actually had a full-time person on board to check the accuracy of the <br />work this service provided, and this person found several mistakes that amounted to <br />approximately $30,000 in one year. He indicated that these problems might be able to be <br />resolved, however, the larger issue is in terms of the customer service aspect of the utility billing. <br />He advised that much deeper discussion of this matter would be required in terms of outsourcing <br />this position to a firm which Mounds View residents would have to contact via the telephone or <br />the internet, in order to resolve issues with their utility bills, rather than through City Hall. <br /> <br />City Administrator Whiting explained that the combination of these two considerations led staff <br />to believe that at this point, this is the most cost effective manner in which to proceed. He stated <br />staff could continue to research means to achieve some efficiencies through outside sources, <br />however, at this time, additional staffing would be required to do this. He pointed out that if they <br />actually found some savings, it would be in terms of the time of this employee, allowing them to <br />perform other tasks. He stated that three years prior, two people were performing this job, and it <br />has since been condensed down into one position. <br /> <br />Finance Director Kessel indicated that this individual would be hired at the Step 2 level, <br />however, the salary would be approximately the same as the starting salary of the previous <br />position. He advised that in the long run, this proposal would save several thousand dollars. <br /> <br />Council Member Stigney stated he disagreed, and felt this was a somewhat biased report. He <br />advised that whether or not residents call outside the City to resolve water bill issues, this <br />process could be handled in the same manner as gas or electric utility services, which are also <br />outside the City. <br /> <br />Mayor Coughlin stated these services are performed outside the City, however, they are still an <br />in house consideration. <br /> <br />MOTION/SECOND: Marty/Thomason. To Approve the Consent Agenda for Item 7C, as <br />presented. <br /> <br />Ayes – 3 Nays – 1 (Stigney) Motion carried. <br /> <br />Council Member Stigney stated in regard to Item 7D, Approving Personnel Policies Manual, he <br />had submitted several changes to those procedures, which the Council chose to ignore. He <br />indicated the current proposal would have an adverse effect upon the taxpayers of the City, and <br />he does not support it. <br /> <br />Mayor Coughlin stated that “ignore” is a harsh and inflammatory word. He stated the Council <br />considered Council Member Stigney’s list of suggestions, and to state that the Council ignored <br />them is incorrect. <br /> <br />Council Member Marty noted that during the previous discussion of this item, he did not have <br />his copy of Council Member’s Stigney’s suggestions, and he requested a copy, however, Council <br />Member Stigney did not have one. He stated he took exception to the statement that the Council