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Mounds View City Council December 13, 1999 <br />Regular Meeting Page 10 <br /> <br />ignored these suggestions, in that this matter was afforded the opportunity for consideration, <br />however, the presenter did not provide the information to the Council. <br /> <br />Council Member Stigney stated that all of his comments were provided to Council Member <br />Marty, as well as to the City Attorney. He reiterated he did not support this item, due to its effect <br />upon the taxpayers. <br /> <br />Mayor Coughlin stated as a point of order, major discussion of a motion must be made after there <br />is a motion to react to. <br /> <br />MOTION/SECOND: Marty/Thomason. To Approve Consent Agenda Item D as presented. <br /> <br /> Ayes – 3 Nays – 1 (Stigney) Motion carried. <br /> <br />Council Member Marty requested clarification if Item G, Awarding of Bid for the Electronic <br />Message Board, in terms of how the monetary figures differed from the original amounts <br />discussed by the Council. <br /> <br />City Administrator Whiting explained that the same two bidders resubmitted their bids. He <br />stated the company who questioned the accuracy of the specifications rebid at a higher amount, <br />and the company who previously won the bid, resubmitted at approximately $4,000 less than <br />their original bid, therefore the total cost of the electronic message board will be between <br />$40,000 and $41,000. <br /> <br />Council Member Marty inquired if this would be approximately $4,000 in savings for the City. <br />City Administrator Whiting stated this was correct. <br /> <br />MOTION/SECOND: Marty/Thomason. To Approve Consent Agenda Item G, as presented. <br /> <br /> Ayes – 4 Nays – 0 Motion carried. <br /> <br />8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />9. RESIDENTS REQUESTS AND COMMENTS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> <br />David Jahnke, 8428 Eastwood Drive stated he had recently seen two articles printed in the <br />newspaper, and although he was uncertain if they were directed toward him, he would like to <br />clarify his position in this regard. He stated he has always maintained that he will ask the <br />questions, however, he has never accused anyone of any wrongdoings. He indicated he will hold <br />the Council and the City accountable for the things they do, and he will continue to ask <br />questions. <br /> <br />Mr. Jahnke stated he has friends who live in the city of Cambridge, and was uncertain if people <br />were aware of what has occurred in this city. He indicated this is a sad story, and he wished that <br />all of the Council Members would read about what had occurred, when the citizens did not <br />question the goings on in that village. He requested that when the Council Members have the <br />opportunity, they research this matter, and learn what occurred in Cambridge when no one was