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<br />Medtronic Review <br />September 21, 2005 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />Landscape Plan <br /> <br />The City Forester has been provided a copy of the Landscape Plan which is illustrated on <br />Sheet S-1, PUD Site Plan. City Forester Wriskey indicates the variety and locations of <br />plantings are satisfactory but cautions that plantings in parking lot islands and infiltration <br />swales could become damaged during winter months if care is not exercised while plowing the <br />parking lot. Mr. Wriskey will work directly with the landscape planner and contractor to <br />monitor installation. <br /> <br />Trail System <br /> <br />Consistent with their other locations, the Medtronic plans identify a system of trails for <br />employee usage. Much of the existing golf course trail system will be preserved and tied back <br />to the facility, including the boardwalk through the primary wetland. The trails are shown on <br />the site plan below. While not a part of this plan, the City intends to explore construction of a <br />separate trail system within the Sysco Outlot area which residents, Medtronic employees, <br />Sysco employees or any other workers in the area could utilize. <br /> <br />