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<br />Medtronic Review <br />September 21, 2005 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />Stormwater and Wetlands Management <br /> <br />Page C13 of the plans illustrates the Wetland Mitigation plan and identifies all stormwater <br />ponds to serve the development. All runoff and necessary mitigation will be contained and <br />captured on site. Only one wetland in the project area will be impacted, that being the area <br />labeled 1B alongside the Phase 1 parking ramp. The other area, while identified as a wetland, <br />is the present location of Judicial Ditch #1. The ditch will be relocated away from the building <br />alongside Highway 10 with a wider, more natural, meandering channel. (The site plan on the <br />previous pages illustrates the new ditch location.) Presently, there are approximately 25 acres <br />of wetlands and ponds on the site. Two new stormwater ponds will be created and an existing <br />pond expanded to accommodate the run off on site. Medtronic has applied for a stormwater <br />permit from the Rice Creek Watershed District. The City Council will consider Medtronic’s <br />wetland alteration permit in October. <br /> <br />Utilities <br /> <br />The golf course site is presently served by the City of Blaine for water and sanitary services. <br />For this project, the City will install a new sanitary and a looped water service under Highway <br />10 for Medtronic. While there had been some discussion about using Blaine’s water supply <br />for fire suppression purposes, it made more sense to utilize just one supply for both potable <br />water and fire suppression. The water main will be looped around the building with fire <br />hydrants spaced per fire code regulations. The sanitary lines will run parallel to the building <br />on the west and east elevations. Storm sewers will be constructed to serve the site with catch <br />basins located along the fire access road and in the surface parking lot. The storm sewers will <br />drain into the two stormwater ponds on either side of the building. All utilities will be installed <br />underground. <br /> <br />Lighting <br /> <br />A lighting plan or photometric analysis was not provided with the development stage plans. <br />While Staff has communicated with the applicant’s representatives that such a plan will be <br />required, the distance from residential uses and the setbacks from other properties, it will not <br />be difficult to satisfy the minimum requirements. A stipulation has been added to the Planning <br />Commission’s resolution which requires that such a plan be submitted prior to City Council <br />consideration. <br /> <br />Signage <br /> <br />A sign plan has not yet been submitted for review. The resolution will include a requirement <br />that all signage be code compliant unless otherwise permitted or authorized by the PUD <br />Document. Given the extensive frontage along Highway 10, more than one ground sign may <br />be constructed which would be consistent with Section1008.10 of the Sign Code. The Sign <br />Code does not place a maximum square footage on ground signs in a PUD, the code <br />expressly defers to the PUD narrative document. Staff will work with Medtronic to allow for a <br />gateway sign to be located on Medtronic property near 35 W and Highway 10. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />