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<br /> <br />Medtronic Review <br />September 21, 2005 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />PUD Evaluation Criteria <br /> <br />The City Code highlights certain criteria which need to be satisfied to qualify for PUD <br />development stage approval. The criteria, along with responses, are shown below: <br /> <br />(1) Adequate property control is provided to protect the individual owner's rights and property <br />values and the public responsibility for own maintenance and upkeep. <br /> <br />The City has entered into a development agreement with Medtronic and have agreed to <br />all terms, conditions and provisions regarding the sale of the property. <br /> <br />(2) The interior circulation plan plus access from and onto public rights of way does not create <br />congestion or dangers and is adequate for the safety of the project residents and the <br />general public. <br /> <br />The City authorized an Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) in 2004 to examine <br />the potential impacts and the maximum development potential of the site. The <br />transportation impacts were reviewed and a mitigation plan prepared in response. The <br />transportation improvements have received funding and the preparations are already <br />underway to allow for a completion date of September 2007. Access to the site will be <br />gained from two controlled (signalized) intersections on County Road J. Freeway access <br />can be achieved at either Highway 10 or 35W. Other than the fire access road, there will <br />be no vehicle access internal to the site. <br /> <br />(3) A sufficient amount of usable open space is provided. <br /> <br />There will be significant open space preserved on the site. In addition to the 25 acres of <br />ponds and wetlands, much of the east side of the project area will be maintain as a natural <br />area with seasonally cut meadows, prairie grasses and wildflowers. Altogether, <br />including the Blaine land, 60 of the 85 acres, or 71% or the land area, is greenspace. <br /> <br />(4) The arrangement of buildings, structures and accessory uses does not unreasonably <br />disturb the privacy or property values of the surrounding residential uses. <br /> <br />The only nearby residential areas are those to the south of Highway 10. The buildings <br />will be more than 400 feet from the residential land to the south and southwest, <br />separated by the freeway. The Medtronic development will not adversely impact these <br />residential parcels and will likely serve to enhance property values, if anything. <br /> <br />(5) The architectural design of the project is compatible with the surrounding area. <br /> <br />The design of the proposed Medtronic building will likely be more extensive than of the <br />surrounding office and industrial buildings. While definitely more significant than the <br />other buildings in the area, the design will not be out of character or inconsistent with the <br />other uses. <br />