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-~-. <br />:. i rte.., ~ a .R- ~ ..~ <br />~~ ~ _, a <br />,~ .i <br />N ~ .1 VvC/ 'u7 ~/ a~a~i/ <br />Page 5 <br />January 27, 1997 <br />Mounds mew City Council <br />Naja Werner, 2765 Sherwood Road, believes everyone should have an opportunity to vote on this issue and <br />decide what action should be taken in regards to the property. To assist them in making a decision, they <br />should be provided with information in regard to operational costs and remodeling costs necessary to serve the <br />purpose for which it is intended. If ballots indicate that a majority of people are in support of the community <br />center, she will feel that the people's democratic principles have been exercised and she will be in support of it. <br />To date, she does not feel the democratic principles have been exercised She is in favor of having a vote on <br />this matter. <br />Leon Burton, 2550 Bridge Lane, stated he feels a special election needs to beheld on this issue. He feels that <br />costs were not clearly provided to residents. He wondered how much it would have cost to put a simple <br />question on the election, "should Mounds View have purchased the Bel Rae?". He feels it is important and the <br />city should spend the estimated $10,000 to have an election. <br />Jerry Blanchard, 8005 Groveland Road, stated he feels it would be nice to have a community center for kids <br />and for seniors. He noted that the five council members are empowered to make decisions for residents and he <br />does not feel that as advisory ballot is needed It carries no weight and the council is not reQuired to comply <br />with the results. He feels it is a waste of tax dollars. <br />Ruth White, 2917 County Road I, stated she has no objection to the community center, however she believes <br />that the taxpayers of Mounds View should be given an opportunity to vote on this issue. As a resident, she <br />would like to Imow how much it will cost to remodel the building, to maintain it, to staff it, etc. and whether or <br />not it will beself-sustaining. <br />Phyllis Blanchard, 8005 Groveland Road, stated she feels people have spoken both in favor and against the Bel <br />Rae and to have a mail ballot would be a very costly option. She would rather see that money go into the <br />renovation of the Bel Rae. She has nothing against having Public Hearings to provide residents with details, <br />however, if an advisory ballot is decided on, it should be held as a regular election as she feels the mail ballot is <br />too costly. <br />Mayor McCarty reminded residents that costs have not yet been determined for a mail in ballot and that the <br />$10,000 cost that they have used in discussion is merely a rough estimate. <br />Mona Miske, 7980 Grovelaad Road, stated as a recruiter for Girl Scouts at Pinewood Elementary, she has <br />experienced difficulty much of the time in finding space for the troops to meet. She finds that they are often <br />going outside of the community to hold these types of events. She feels the Community Center would be a way <br />to hold these events in the community. <br />Diane Wuori, 5613 St. Stephen Street, stated if the city does proceed with an election, she would suggest that it <br />contain many questions, i.e. if the city does keep the BeI Rae property, what should be done with it? <br />Also, when community events are held at various other locations, custodial fees are collected from the various <br />entities to share in the costs. Therefore, it is already costing the city money to run programs that could be run at <br />the community center. If events were held there, custodial time would stay within the city rather than going to <br />another entity. Furthermore, other programs that people wished to hold at the community center could be <br />charged a nominal fee. <br />• Jerry Linke, 2319 Knoll Drive, took this opportunity to briefly explain the Tax Increment Financing process. <br />He noted ihat the city currently has Tax Increment Financing funds available. <br />