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-.~ <br />~~d aT r ~. a ~.:~ ~.~ w .~..J <br />Page 6 <br />January 27, 1997 <br />Mounds View City Council <br />Council member Quick asked who would be eligible to vote in the election and if a person would need to be <br />registered to vote. A lengthy discussion followed Mr. Quick stated this is an advisory election and no one is <br />being elected for office, so he wondered why someone could not vote without registering. <br />A discussion also followed as to whether the calling for an advisory election would be seen as legislative or <br />administrative, thereby determining whether the election must be set by ordinance or by resolution. <br />Mr. Long stated he felt in this case, the city would follow the wording in the Charter which calls for it to be <br />done by resolution. <br />Mr. Long stated he believes the city would need to follow the standard voting procedures. Otherwise the city <br />would take a chance of people challenging the validity of the vote. <br />Council member Stigney asked if TIF funds could be used to pay for some of the advisory election expenses. <br />Mr. Long stated there are some opportunities for TIF funds to be used for various information gathering, but <br />whether or not it can actually be used for an election such as this, he is unsure. Fie stated he would be willing <br />to get firrther clarification on it and report back to staff. <br />E) Approval of Resolution No. 5076, A Resolution A rovin the 1997 Insurance Contribution for Non- <br />PP g <br />Union, Public Works and Park Maintenance. <br />Mayor McCarty asked for some further clarification from staff is regard to firll time health insurance coverage <br />for single persons, in particular, whether the $330 cap for insurance for single coverage was specified. <br />Ms. Sheldon explained that the city provides up to $330 to employees to be used only for certain benefits that <br />are allowed to be paid for out of that amount. This includes medical insurance, for either single or family <br />coverage. If an employee has funds remaining after paying for medical coverage, he may choose to use it <br />toward dental coverage or additional life insurance. The city will only pay up to $330. per month. If the <br />money is not put toward additional insurance, they do not have the option of receiving reimbursement for the <br />remainder. <br />Mayor McCarty stated he would recommend that the Council adopt the resolution as amended, but that this <br />discussion should be put on the "front burner" for firtute deliberations on employee benefits. <br />MOTION/SECOND: Quick/Trude to approve Resolution No. 5076, A Resolution Approving the 1997 <br />Insurance Contribution for Non-Union, Public Works and Park Maintenance. <br />Council member Stigney stated he is still concerned about whether the City should supplement single <br />employees. In the future, he feels the council should look at what the private sector is doing for its employees <br />when considering these issues. <br />Mayor McCarty asked that the council have some single sessions where they will just deal with personnel <br />issues such as employee benefits so that decisions can be made before the budgeting process. <br />