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• MOUNDS VIEW CHAR`I'N,R COMMISSION <br /> MINUTES <br /> WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1979 <br /> I. Meeting called to order by Chairman, Bill Doty, at 7:35 P.M. <br /> II. ABSENT MEMBERS: Lowell Nygaard Richard Lykke <br /> Jim Wills Walter Skiba <br /> III. Chairman Doty introduced the following guests - all of whom <br /> are Charter Commission members from their respective cities: <br /> a) Charles DeVore - White Bear <br /> b) Dave McCauley - Coon Rapids <br /> c) Harvey Glommien - Blaine <br /> d) Charles Langer - Fridley <br /> IV. Each guest gave a dissertation concerning their respective City <br /> • Charter, expressed various views and opinions, andanswered questions <br /> posed to them from members of the Mounds View Charter Commission. <br /> A synopsis is as follows: <br /> a) All the cities have a Ward System, which they recommended. In <br /> their opinion, in this way, each neighborhood of a city would <br /> have someone to represent them in the event of a problem - - a <br /> closer communication between elected officials and the citizens. <br /> b) All have Council-Manager form of government. <br /> c) Item suggested for Charter: "After a specified hour, (say 11:00 P.M.) <br /> no matters can be considered by the City <br /> Council unless it is on the Agenda." <br /> d) On the matter of Initiative, Referendum & Recall: <br /> 1. Coon Rapids recommended inclusion in Charter. They have <br /> Initiative & Referendum, but not Recall. <br /> 2. Fridley - recommended inclusion in Charter. They have <br /> . Initiative, Referendum & Recall. <br /> 411 <br />