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John Muller, 7750 Silver Lake Road, stated, as the previous manager of the apartment building <br />i at that location, he had gone through much difficulty to attempt to erect a sign in front of the <br />building. He stated that, as they were not permitted to do this, he did not think the applicant <br />should be allowed to place signs all over the site, and that he thought it would look gaudy. He <br />stated the extra traffic and noise would cause further problems, adding that it was already bad <br />enough. <br />Ms. Olson asked if the conditional use permit would be ongoing, or if it would be requested <br />every year. Mayor Coughlin stated that it would be renewed automatically, unless it was the <br />Council's desire to do otherwise or the applicant was in violation of the conditional use permit, <br />which would require it come back before the Council. <br /> <br />Ms. Olson inquired regarding the duration of the operation. Ericson stated that the applicant was <br />requesting to operate between July 1 and October 31. Ms. Olson requested clarification of the <br />structure, and its location upon the site. Ericson stated that the applicant was proposing to place <br />it at the north corner of the lot, at the intersection of Silver Lake Road and Highway 10, near the <br />existing Holiday sign. He stated that the structure would be some type of tent, with folding <br />tables underneath the tent. He stated that this would just be a simple enclosure. He added that <br />the City had an easement at that location, on which to place a gateway monument marker, and in <br />the event that the City decided to go forward with that project, the applicant would re-locate the <br />stand elsewhere on the site. <br />Ms. Olson requested, in light of its visibility from the highway, the Council consider a different <br />type of structure, or other placement on the site. <br />Mayor Coughlin closed the Public Hearing at 8:10 p.m. <br />Council Member Stigney stated that this item had been discussed thoroughly by the Planning <br />Commission, and that as long as the structure was aesthetically pleasing, and there were no <br />problems associated with the operation he had was in favor of it. He stated that, as a function of <br />the conditional use permit, these matters, as well as the noise and traffic issues, could come back <br />before the Council at any time. <br />MOTION/SECOND: Quick/Stigney. To Waive the Reading and Adopt Resolution No. 5352, a <br />Resolution Approving of a Conditional Use Permit for Outdoor Produce Sales at Holiday <br />Stationstore, Requested by Chuck Durand; Planning Case No. 564-99. <br />Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Motion carried. <br />D. Suspension of Waste Management of Blaine Hauling License. <br />Director of Public Works Ulrich stated this item was addressed in the staff report written by <br />Tracy Juell, the Administrative Assistant for the Public Works Department,. He read the report <br />• as follows: <br />The City of Mounds View funds all of the recycling programs, i.e. (2) City wide clean up days, <br />11 N:\DATA\USERS\JOANB\SHARE\MINUTES\CC\ 1999\07-26-99.MIN <br />