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recycling bins, fliers, recycling contest, etc., through a Ramsey County SCORE Grant. As a <br />requirement for receiving the grant, the City must submit tonnage figures, etc. in bi-annual recycling <br />reports to the Ramsey County Department of Health by their required due date. <br />Each licensed residential/multi-dwelling hauler (garbage/recycling) submits monthly recycling <br />tonnage reports; as of today's date, Waste Management of Blaine has not submitted any reports for <br />1999. Voice mail messages have been left with Tom Kline, Recycling Coordinator and Erv <br />Hoffsted, Supervisor, asking that the tonnage reports be faxed to my attention immediately. (It <br />should be noted, that in the July 19, 1999 voice mail message to Mr. Kline, I stated that I would be <br />approaching the Council at their next meeting to suspend their hauling license if the reports were not <br />faxed by July 20.) <br />Attached to this report, is a copy of Chapter 603.06, subdivision 3 of the Garbage and Rubbish <br />ordinance, highlighting the requirements of maintaining a hauling license in the City of Mounds <br />View. Waste Management of Blaine is not complying with these requirements and it is my <br />understanding that this has been an on-going problem/issue with this particular hauler. <br />Staff recommends that Waste Management of Blaine's hauling license be suspended, if reports <br />are not received within 48 hours, and to issue a court citation and/or an administrative offense of <br />$100.00 per month ofnon-compliance (6 x $100.00) and a $100.00 administrative fee. <br />Mayor Coughlin inquired if the fees were derived from the City Code. Director of Public Works <br />• Ulrich stated they were. He explained that the matter had been brought to the attention of the acting <br />Chief of Police, who reviewed the administrative ordinances and identified this as a misdemeanor, <br />which can carry a $700 fine and ninety-days in jail. He stated that last year, they had the same <br />problem with this particular hauler, and when the Administrative Assistant indicated that they would <br />recommend suspension of their license, the reports were faxed within an hour. He stated that <br />numerous attempts had been made to resolve the matter at this time. <br />City Attorney Long stated the suspension of the license is allowed by the Code, however, Section <br />603.06 Subdivision 1H of that Code requires the hauler be given reasonable notice and an <br />opportunity to be heard. He suggested that they set a noticed hearing for the suspension at the next <br />Council Meeting. He explained that staff could still issue the citation for the administrative <br />penalties, but the actual revocation and suspension would be handled separately with a hearing and <br />a notice. <br />Mayor Coughlin stated that they were presently in violation, and that he would entertain a motion <br />to apply a citation of $700.00 as a fine for non-compliance with the City Code, and send a written <br />notice, and have an official hearing of the matter at the next Council Meeting. <br />Council Member Stigney inquired regarding the time frame involved in revoking the license, noting <br />that people being serviced by the hauler at this time, would require service from another provider. <br />City Attorney Long stated that once the notice of the hearing is given, they can revoke the license <br />. and set an effective date to allow time for alternative service. <br />MOTION/SECOND: Coughlin/Stigney. To Impose a Citation in the Amount of $700, and to Set an <br />12N:\DATA\US ERSUOANB\SHARE\MINUTES\CC\ 1999\07-26-99.MIN <br />