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C~ <br />Official Public Hearing to Revoke or Suspend the License of Waste Management of Blaine at the <br />August 12, 1999 City Council Meeting. <br />Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />E. Second Reading and consideration of Ordinance 632, an ordinance amending <br />Chapter 1113 of the Zoning Code pertaining to permitted uses within the B-2, <br />Limited Business Zoning District. <br /> <br />• <br />Community Development Director Jopke stated the first reading of Ordinance 632, which expands <br />the list of permitted uses within the B-2 district to include educational facilities, was held on July <br />12, 1999. He stated, at that time the Council amended the original version to permit any type of <br />educational or instructional facilities, rather than limiting the amendment to private facilities only, <br />and that staff had incorporated this language change into the ordinance which was before the Council <br />for consideration. <br />MOTION/SECOND: Stigney/Thomason. To Waive the Reading and Approve the Second Reading <br />of Ordinance No. 632, an Ordinance Amending Chapter 1113 of the Mounds View Municipal Code <br />(Zoning Code) Pertaining to Permitted Uses within the B-2, Limited Business District; Special <br />Planning Case SP-070-99. <br />Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Motion carried. <br />F. Right of Way Ordinance. <br />Attorney Jim Strummond of Kennedy and Graven stated that he was requested to speak regarding <br />the right-of--way ordinance, presently before the Council. He stated that this ordinance was quite <br />complicated, however, state and federal statutes, as well as the Public Utilities Commission Rules <br />require a comprehensive ordinance for cities that have, and will have an increasing demand for the <br />use ofrights-of--way for utilities. He stated that the version before the Council was a model prepared <br />by the League of Minnesota Cities. He stated that he had recently met with Harold Bagley, Senior <br />Attorney for Northern States Power, who provided additional comments regarding the right-of--way <br />Ordinance, and that he had also received a comment from Reliant Energy Minnegasco. He stated <br />he had spoken to Tom Gruenhoffer from the League of Minnesota Cities regarding those issues. He <br />explained that, in light of the late date he was able to meet with Attorney Bagley, and that the matter <br />was not being considered for adoption at this time, he would expect to make minor changes to the <br />ordinance prior to approval by Council at a later date. He stated that he was available to provide <br />information regarding any aspect of the right-of--way Ordinance that the Council may have. <br />City Administrator Whiting explained that the Council had thought Attorney Strummond would be <br />providing copies of the final draft of the ordinance for their review. City Attorney Long stated that <br />the Council might continue the second reading of the matter until the August second Work Session, <br />to incorporate the comments of Northern States Power and Reliant Energy Minnegasco, and outline <br />any potential changes to the ordinance. Attorney Strummond noted that this was a very involved and <br />comprehensive right-of--way ordinance, with a number of important issues to address at this time, <br />and that he thought this could be accomplished by that date. He stated that the issues relate to <br />13N:\DATA\USERS\JOANB\SHARE\MINUTES\CC\ 1999\07-26-99.MIN <br />