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incorporating all the ordinances that the Council passed in the last year, and would include the <br />• Charter, but had the question as to which provision of the Charter they should include. He stated if <br />the Charter Commission were to act within the next sixty days, and vote to remove the term limit <br />provision, and any others deemed unconstitutional, they could have it back before the Council for <br />action, and the new, "cleaned" up Charter could be printed with the Code to avoid the cost. He <br />stated that from his perspective sixty days would be a reasonable amount of time. <br />Council Member Quick inquired if Mayor Coughlin would accept the sixty day time frame as an <br />amendment to his motion. Mayor Coughlin stated that the Council could not dictate the timing of <br />the Charter Commission, however, they could state sixty days, and the Council could consider their <br />options at that point. Council Member Thomason stated that she would agree to this. <br />Council Stigney requested clarification of the language "publish the adjusted charter," to indicate <br />"publish the Charter including the added provision of term limits:" He stated that he did not believe <br />it was correct for the Council move upon this matter, as it was within the purview of the Charter <br />Commission. Mayor Coughlin stated that to an extent, the Clerk Administrator does have the right <br />to post the Charter or raise questions regarding it. He added that this was simply an attempt to <br />resolve the matter at the Council level, and place it out of the Council domain. <br />City Administrator Whiting stated that the last Council discussion of the matter had taken place <br />almost three years prior, and at that time, it had been decided to remove the term limit provision <br />from the Charter. He stated, in light of this, and for the benefit of the public who might think this <br />was this had been done, he had placed the matter on the Council Agenda to provide public <br />acknowledgment that it was a different version than what he understood it to be three years ago. <br />Council Member Stigney stated that he would prefer the motion be broken down into three different <br />issues. He stated, in regard to posting and publishing the existing Charter, it should have been done, <br />and if not, the City has been remiss in not doing so. Mayor Coughlin reiterated that this was a means <br />to declare this issue resolved in this regard. Council Member Stigney stated that he opposed it, as <br />it was not Council business. Mayor Coughlin stated that unfortunately, previous Councils had made <br />it their business, and that he felt it necessary to declare it otherwise. Council Member Quick stated <br />that it is the Council's business as duly elected representatives of the people. He added that no <br />Charter Commission Members are elected. <br />Council Member Stigney stated that there are no added provisions to the Charter. Mayor Coughlin <br />stated he was referring to items added to the Charter by the voters, however, he would amend the <br />language again if necessary. Ms. Olson stated that it should be indicated as the current February 13, <br />1995 Charter. Mayor Coughlin stated that he would amend the motion pursuant to the <br />recommendation of Ms. Olson, the current Chair of the Charter Commission. Council Member <br />Thomason stated that she would agree to that amendment. <br />Ms. Olson inquired if the Council would consider a separate stipulation to the motion to request that <br />the Council will provide additional expenditure for attorney fees at the same time, in order to <br />• facilitate the Council's request that the Charter Commission review the Charter for unconstitutional <br />items. <br />21 N:\DATA\US ERSUOANB\SHARE\MINUTES\CC\ 1999\07-26-99. MIN <br />