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Mayor Coughlin stated that he would prefer an actual document requesting specific funding, rather <br />than a request for an ambiguous amount. Ms. Olson stated that if they bring this motion forward at <br />the present meeting, and request the Charter Commission to review those items, they would not able <br />accommodate the request unless the Council extends additional attorney fees for that purpose. She <br />stated that if Council so desired, they could come back before the Council with a document to that <br />effect in the future. Mayor Coughlin requested that they utilize the League of Minnesota Cities' <br />staff, as the Charter Commission has already done, adding that the services are free of charge as they <br />are dues payers. He requested that they do whatever is required outside of the purview of expending <br />additional taxpayer dollars. <br />Ms. Olson stated this was not fair or right, in light of the documentation, which came from the <br />League of Minnesota Cities, which states that the League of Minnesota Cities' attorneys are not for <br />the citizens, for their Constitution, nor for the Charter. She explained that they are on opposite sides <br />of the fence. She stated that he would be asking them to take direction based upon something that <br />would not be legal counsel for the citizens. <br />Mayor Coughlin stated that what he was requesting is to put the matter back in the realm of the <br />Charter Commission. He stated there are several instances where items are not in keeping with the <br />State Constitution, and he would ask that the Charter Commission be allowed to dialogue as a group, <br />prior to a major expenditure of legal fees by anyone. <br />Ms. Olson stated, because the Charter Commission was presently working on some very important <br />amendments to the existing Charter, and particularly in light of the City's new budget, which could <br />bring forward a special election to the citizens, they could not allow the sixty-day time frame to deter <br />them from their work. <br />Mayor Coughlin clarified that the motion states the Council is giving the Charter Commission sixty <br />days from the date of the present meeting, and requested, as they currently meet on a regular basis <br />for purposes of reviewing and amending the document, they would add this item to their discussion. <br />He added that neither he, nor any other member of the Council was attempting to set priorities at the <br />Charter Commission level. <br />Mr. Linke stated that as a first step the Charter Commission could go back through the minutes of <br />previous years and easily pull those items out. He added that they already have, either by statute or <br />ordinance, approximately $1,100.00 for facilitating this. <br />MOTION/SECOND: Coughlin/Thomason. To Direct the City Administrator to Accept, Post and <br />Publish the Current February 13, 1995 Charter, Including the Added Provision Discussed, In <br />Addition He Would Request the Council Present An Official Request to the Charter Commission <br />that they Revisit this and All Items Deemed Unconstitutional by Various Court Actions or the State <br />Supreme Court, and After Sixty Days Have Passed, the City Council Will Explore All Avenues <br />Available To Find Resolution of Said Inconsistencies, h1 Addition He would Request that a Separate <br />Document, Not a Codicil be Included in any Election Packet, Outlining the Summary of the <br />Minneapolis Term Limits Coalition vs. Keefe Case and Any Summary Documents from the State <br />Supreme Court so as to Accept that which has been Voted For by the People, and to Request that the <br />Charter Commission Deal with the Fact that Items in the Charter are Unconstitutional and to Keep <br />22N:\DATA\USERSUOANB\SHARE\MINUTES\CC\ 1999\07-26-99.MIN <br />