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ORDINANCE NO. 786 <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1010 (WETLANDS ZONING <br />REGULATIONS) OF THE MOUNDS VIEW MUNICIPAL CODE <br />PERTAINING TO EXCEPTIONS TO PERMIT REQUIREMENTS AND VIOLATIONS <br />THE CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW ORDAINS: <br />SECTION 1. Section 1010.08, Subdivision 3 of the Mounds View Municipal Code is <br />hereby amended by the addition of the bold and underlined language and by the deletion <br />of the language as follows: <br />Subd. 3. Exceptions to Permit Requirements <br />a. Emergencies: Upon the declaration of an emergency by the City, emergency work <br />necessary to preserve life or property shall be permitted in a wetland zoning district. <br />b. Repairs: Upon application and approval by the City Council, a person my repair or <br />maintain any lawful use of land existing on the effective date hereof. <br />c. Recreation Areas or Parks: Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the <br />contrary, a person my develop amunicipally-owned recreation area or park facility on City- <br />owned lands which will involve the development within a wetland zoning district as part of an <br />integrated plan, comprising not less than seventy-five (75) acres, where such development <br />would reasonably conserve, preserve and enhance the environment by providing facilities <br />that would protect the public health, safety and welfare. <br />d City or City Agent Work: When the City or agents working on behalf of the City <br />are engaged in or otherwise undertaking activities requiring permits, as provided for <br />in subdivision 1 of this Section, the City or its agents shall not be required to obtain <br />any of the Permits provided in subdivision 2 of this Section. <br />e Public Nuisance Abatement: Ordinary, normal, and reasonable maintenance <br />activities undertaken by owners of private and public properties located within a <br />Wetland Zoning District shall not require a Wetland Alteration Permit or a Wetland <br />Buffer Permit so long as this maintenance is in keeping with the purposes described <br />in the Section 1010.02, subdivision 2, of these Wetland Zoning regulations. Examples <br />of ordinary, normal, and reasonable property maintenance that is in keeping with the <br />purposes of the Wetland Zoning regulations include, but are not limited to, chemical- <br />free buckthorn removal and lawn care. <br />