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MEMO TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL <br />FROM: MARY SAARION, DIRECTOR <br />PARKS, RECREATION AND FORESTRY <br />DATE: OCTOBER 6, 1989 <br />SUBJECT: SILVER PARK MASTER PLAN <br />Staff recommends this proposal for a schedule of steps in the development of a master <br />plan for Silver View Park. <br />#1 Determine a Planning Bod - (November). City Council must delegate a <br />planning body who would be responsible for participating in the development <br />of survey questions. These survey question results would be used in the <br />process of developing a master plan for Silver View Park. This body could be <br />the Parks and Recreation Commission or a special task force. <br />#2 Develop Survey Questions - (November - December). This would be in <br />coordination with Parks and Recreation Commission, the planning body, City <br />Council and Staff. <br />#3 Format the Surve - (December - January). This would be the responsibility of <br />Decision Resources. <br />#4 Survey Implementation - (January). Also to be done by Decision Resources. <br />#5 Presentation of Survey Results - (February). Decision Resources. <br />#6 Develop a Master Plan - (February - March). The planning body would hold a <br />series of meetings and using the survey results develop a park site plan, funding <br />resource plan and a proposed implementation schedule. <br />#7 Hold Public Hearin s - (April). The Parks and Recreation Commission and the <br />City Council would hold public hearings to review the master plan. <br />#8 Approval of Master Plan - (May). City Council would approve the master plan <br />as recommended by the planning body/Parks and Recreation Commission. <br />MS/SL <br />Attachment <br />