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Lakeside Park. A discussion ensued regarding the <br />name change of Lakeside Park. A suggestion was <br />made by Commissioner Starr to involve past members <br />of Playground, Inc. in the Lakeside Park Improvement <br />Planning Committee. <br />After further discussion, a motion was made by <br />Commissioner Stevenson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Silvis, to table the name change issue until input can <br />be received from Playground, Inc. members, and until <br />members of Playground, Inc. are adequately <br />recognized for their contribution to the establishment <br />of Lakeside Park. Motion passed: 4 ayes, 0 nayes. <br />SILVER VIEW TASK FORCE Director Saarion stated that the final meeting of the <br />task force had been held and that the Silver View <br />Task Force proposal was being copied. It will be <br />mailed to Commissioners prior to the joint meeting <br />with the Parks and Recreation Commission, Task <br />Force and City Council on Monday, May 7 at 5:00 <br />p.m. Director Saarion stated that the proposal <br />followed the master plan fairly close. The only <br />predicted controversy could be with the proposed <br />seasonal maintenance person for Silver View Park. <br />Commissioner Stevenson asked if there would be <br />enough work for one person, eight hours per day, five <br />days per week. Director Saarion responded that there <br />could be enough work with maintaining the wood <br />chip paths, trimming and pruning trees and bushes, <br />cleaning the picnic shelter and maintaining the buffer <br />zone, park inspections and other work. <br />The Commissioners inquired on the date of the <br />Celebrate MN dedication of the picnic shelter. <br />Chairperson Burmeister stated that a date was to be <br />set up this next week, and suggested that a meeting <br />day be chosen to plan the dedication. A meeting date <br />of Thursday, May 3 at 6:30 p.m. was decided. <br />Director Saarion to contact Mayor Hankner to invite <br />her to the meeting. <br />In addition, Celebrate MN dedication, Director Saarion <br />suggested that this meeting also include a meeting <br />with Decision Resources regarding the recent City <br />Survey. <br />2 <br />