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Planning Agency <br />who uses Minnesota's parks and what do they do in them? The February Trend Reportm <br />by the Minnesota State Planning Agency reports that there are clear differences <br />Report Available <br />according to age, education and income. <br />Age is one of the strongest predictors of outdoor recreation participation. Children and <br />teen-agers are the most active with moderate declines beginning at about age 45. Those <br />declines continue through the older age groups. Age also determines the popularity of <br />various outdoor activities. Walking/hiking, fishing and pleasure driving are among the <br />most popular for all age groups over 25. While biking and swimming decline gradually <br />in popularity with age, field and ball sports drop far down the list after age 25. More <br />gentle activities like golf, nature study, and sightseeing increase in popularity with age. <br />To receive a copy of Trend Reports <br />As income and education increase, participation in outdoor recreation also increases. <br />Issue No. 43. contact the State <br />Adults without a high school diploma average 155 hours of outdoor recreation per year <br />Planning Agency, 300 Centennial <br />with individuals with some college averaging 234 hours. Adults with percapita income <br />Office Building, 658 Cedar Street, St. <br />of less than $10,000 per year report significantly less outdoor recreational activity than <br />Paul, Mn 55155. <br />any other income group. <br />Mayor Names New <br />Mayor Jim Scheibel named nine citizens to pioneer St. Paul's new park commission. <br />Park Commission <br />Members are former councilperson Kiki Sonnen, Barbara Rose, Richard Arey, Mary <br />Forliti, Terrence Huntrods, Barbara Johnson, David Goodlow, Jill Danner and Anne <br />Kelly. Arey, Huntrods, and Kelly were members of St. Paul and Ramsey County Parks <br />Task Force which recommended that the city and county establish park commissions. <br />Trivia: <br />Why was Summit Avenue developed with wealthy mansions all in a row? To have a <br />place to drive the carriages each day. When the street was widened the property owners <br />From Lexington west to the river were persuaded to donate enough land on each side of <br />the street so it could be widened from 100 to 200 feet. The Parkway separated the driving <br />lanes and was planted with trees and had a bridle path. With the arrival of the horseless <br />carriage and the disappearance of the heard of "city horses" the bridle path became part <br />of the greenway. Running shoes have replaced horseshoes on the greenway. <br />It takes five electrical utilities plants to generate the power needed to heat the waterbeds <br />currently in use in the United States. <br />Non -Profit <br />The Friends of St. Paul and Ramsey County Parks <br />U.S. Postage <br />1621 Beechwood Avenue Paid <br />St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 <br />St. PauI,MN <br />Permit No. 3413 <br />Al)l)kt:SS CORRECTION RE(, VESTED <br />'Mery Suasion <br />Park & Recreation Director <br />2401 HighWeY l0 <br />Mount v}ew , mt4 s51 12 <br />