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-2- <br />1. Local Government Aids - Article 5, Local Government Aids, of <br />the 19ti3 tlmulbus 'lix hill, II.F. 1259, cal is for a nuidilI- <br />ca tion In the formula For cnmpnting Local Government Aids, <br />LGA. The formula, in the case of most cities, including <br />Mounds View, wlII rrrsuIL In a reduction iu LGA, however, the <br />fill limits the Impact by stipulnLing that no rity experience <br />a reduction during any one year that Is more than it could <br />raise through a three -fourths equa!Ized mill levy. <br />Doe to some modifications in the formula for LGA, including <br />new factors not yet fully established, we are uncertain as to <br />the exact amount of the reduction for Mounds View, however, <br />it is estimated to be approximately $51,500. <br />It was staff's initial understanding that each city would <br />have cite option of special levying the amount of reduced LGA <br />when the total levy is certified to the County. We have now <br />been led to believe from information provided by the Revenue <br />Department that it is their intention to include the reduced <br />LGA in the individual levy computations for each city thus <br />eliminating the need to special levy. The decision then <br />before the Council is do we leave the reduced LGA in the levy <br />computations or do we reduce the amount levied, thus not <br />Levying up to the maximum, by an amount equal to the reduced <br />LGA? <br />2. Levy Limitation Increase - Besides the Increase in the levy <br />limits resulting from the addition of the reduction in LGA, <br />an additional increase results from the Revenue Department's <br />inclusion of the City's LGA allotment in the beginning of the <br />levy limit formula rather than at the end as had been past <br />practice. This change results in the application of the levy <br />limit formula to the City's previous year's levy plus LGA <br />which increases the amount that the City can levy by $42,716 <br />above and beyond the $51,507 reduction in LGA. The obvious <br />question before the Council is do we wish to take advantage <br />of a "windfall" resulting from a statutorily mandated formula <br />or do we reduce the amount levied, thus not levying up to the <br />maximum, by an amount equal to the increase resulting from a <br />change in the formula? <br />3. Forestry Special Levy - Article 3, Levy Limits, of the 1983 <br />Omnibus Tax Bill included the reinstatement of the special <br />levy authority for Forestry Program costs which was elim- <br />inated by the 1981 Omnibus Tax Bill. To the best recollec- <br />tion of staff, it has been the standard practice of the City <br />since inception of the Forestry Program to take advantage of <br />this authority. The question before the Council is do we <br />special levy for the cost of. the 1984 Forestry Program which <br />is proposed in the first draft at $23,201? <br />