<br />WHEREAS, MN Statute §462.355 and §473.864 requires municipalities within the
<br />metropolitan area to prepare a comprehensive municipal plan, and update the plan, fiscal
<br />devices, and official controls, every ten years to determine if an amendment is necessary to
<br />conform to the Metropolitan Systems Plans; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the Village of Mounds View adopted a comprehensive plan (the Plan) in
<br />1959, and updated it in 1975, 1979, 1998, and 2010; and,
<br />WHEREAS, MN Statute §473.145 requires the Metropolitan Council to prepare and
<br />adopt a comprehensive development guide for the metropolitan area. The current guide; Thrive
<br />MSP 2040, was adopted by the Metropolitan Council on May 28, 2014. In compliance with MN
<br />Statute §473.856, the Metropolitan Council distributed the 2015 System Statement for the City
<br />of Mounds View on September 17, 2015. Receipt of this System Statement, requires the City to
<br />review its Comprehensive Plan, fiscal devices, and official controls to determine if an
<br />amendment is necessary to conform to Thrive MSP 2040. The City determined that an
<br />amendment to its Comprehensive Plan, adopted on February 8, 2010 (Resolution 7571) was
<br />necessary; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the City Council appointed a Comprehensive Plan Taskforce (Resolution
<br />8877), and authorized $99,441 to complete the 2040 Comprehensive Plan (Resolution 8878,
<br />9254). The City requested, and received a 2040 Comprehensive Plan Extension Request on
<br />May 15, 2018, extending the submission deadline to December 31, 2019. The Taskforce,
<br />facilitated by Staff and Stantec, met regularly in 2018 and 2019 to review the updating of the
<br />Comprehensive Plan. On April 23, 2019, a joint work session was held by the Taskforce, City
<br />Council, and all advisory commissions to review the Draft Comprehensive Plan, which was then
<br />distributed to affected jurisdictions for their review in May 2019, in compliance with MN Statute
<br />§473.858, Subd 2. The City Council conducted a Public Hearing on December 9, 2019, directing
<br />Staff to forward the Plan to the Metropolitan Council (Resolution 9195), which was submitted on
<br />December 20, 2019; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council determined that the 2040 Comprehensive Plan
<br />was incomplete, thereby suspending its review until additional information was submitted and
<br />found complete. Revisions were made, and the Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on
<br />October 7, 2020, recommending approval of the revised draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan
<br />(Resolution 1123-20). The City Council approved re -submission on October 12, 2020
<br />(Resolution 9318); and,
<br />WHEREAS, the 2040 Comprehensive Plan was reviewed by the Metropolitan Council's
<br />Community Development Committee on December 7, 2020; the Environment Committee on
<br />December 8, 2020, and the Metropolitan Council on December 23, 2020, finding that the Plan
<br />