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Edgewood Middle School Pinewood Elementary, and Bridges School SRO <br />Annual Report <br />September 2021— December 2021 <br />Officer Boscardin began this quarter working in all three of the schools within Mounds View. <br />Working in all three schools at one time had challenges. One challenge was connecting with the <br />staff/students within each school. Officer Boscardin enjoyed being in all three schools, because <br />there was always something going on or a task that Officer Boscardin needed to tend to. <br />Officer Boscardin started each day by turning the school zone traffic lights on. Officer Boscardin <br />would then direct student drop off/pick at Pinewood Elementary in the morning and afternoon. <br />After conducting traffic control, Officer Boscardin would turn the school zone lights off and <br />complete a patrol around the school. During the patrol Officer Boscardin would ensure doors <br />were locked and check -in with students. <br />After Officer Boscardin completed the morning routine at Pinewood, Officer Boscardin drove to <br />Edgewood Middle School for sixth through eighth grade lunches. Officer Boscardin was presence <br />in the lunch room allowed him to connect/build relationships with students/staff, aid in the <br />supervision of students, and prevent physical altercations between students during the lunch <br />hours. Between lunches Officer Boscardin performed a patrol around the school checking <br />entrances and speaking with students. <br />Officer Boscardin participated in the Mounds View Police Departments Heroes and Helpers <br />outreach event. Officer Boscardin selected two families to participate in the outreach event. <br />Officer Boscardin obtained Christmas lists for each family member in the household. Officer <br />Boscardin assisted in purchasing the gifts for the families along with Officer Erickson, Officer <br />Dison, and Officer Le Voir. Officer Boscardin found two addition families that donated to the <br />Heroes and Helpers outreach event, allowing us to purchase more gifts for the families involved. <br />Chief Harder and Deputy Chief Zender gave NRO Erickson and Officer Boscardin the names of <br />two companies that donate bicycles to families in need. NRO Erickson and Officer Boscardin were <br />able to pick up enough bicycles for the children in each family this year. <br />During this school year Officer Boscardin recovered three spring loaded BB guns from Edgewood <br />Middle School and led the investigation. Officer Boscardin submitted his findings to the county <br />attorney. Officer Boscardin also investigated multiple disorderly conduct reports, harassment <br />reports, fights, took a few criminal sexual conduct reports, helped multiple students work <br />through social media drama, and assisted students in working to change their social behaviors to <br />be a better member of their communities. <br />Officer Boscardin investigated several weapons reports at Pinewood Elementary, documenting <br />each of them. All weapons reports were found to be unfounded. There were two gun reports and <br />one report of a student with an edged weapon threatening other students. <br />