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02-28-2022 CC
City Council
Agenda Packets
02-28-2022 CC
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Last modified
1/28/2025 4:46:40 PM
Creation date
7/19/2022 5:46:32 PM
MV Commission Documents
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City Council
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Agenda Packets
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On 8/3/2021, both MVPD K9 teams visited several block parties for Nite to Unite. We answered <br />questions and shared information with residents about the K9 Unit, and how our K9 partners serve the <br />community. The adults and children in attendance were able to socialize with the K9's. <br />On 8/4/21, Officer Erickson and K9 Niko, and K9 Grizz and I (Sgt. Schultes) attended the Abiding Savior <br />Family Fun Night. We spoke to adults and children in attendance about the MVPD K9 Unit, and they <br />were able to socialize with the K9's. <br />On 8/21/21, both MVPD K9 teams gave a demonstration for the Mounds View Festival in the Park. The <br />K9 teams gave demonstrations in obedience, article and drug searches, suspect search, apprehension, <br />and a mock vehicle pursuit. The event was well attended, with at least 200 spectators there to celebrate <br />K9 Niko at his final Festival in the Park demonstration. After the demonstration, the attendees were <br />able to socialize with the K9's. <br />On 9/18/21, both MVPD K9 teams gave a demonstration for the Children's Organ Transplant Association <br />fundraiser. The K9 teams gave demonstrations in obedience, article and drug searches, suspect search, <br />apprehension, and a mock vehicle pursuit. After the demonstration, the attendees were able to <br />socialize with the K9's. <br />On 10/23/2021, Mounds View officers were dispatched to the 2200 block of Mounds View Boulevard for <br />a large fight. The caller reported that 40 people were fighting with staff in the establishment. Due to <br />the circumstances, I (Sgt. Schultes) arrived and deployed K9 Grizz on lead. When officers made entry, a <br />female was seen trying to climb over the counter to assault staff. Upon seeing officers, the group <br />quickly dispersed. I placed K9 Grizz in a "down" position in sight of the group until there was no longer <br />an immediate threat to the public or the officers. Multiple suspects were later cited and trespassed <br />after the investigation was completed. <br />In December, 2021, Sgt. Schultes and K9 Grizz completed the Tac 21 patrol certification with the <br />assistance of Officers Le Voir, Dison, and Aase. They were the first team to complete the new <br />certification program focused on officer safety and search tactics. The certification is aimed at <br />improving the safety of all involved parties during K9 deployments. <br />Additionally, K9 Grizz was deployed on numerous occasions throughout the year for building <br />searches and as a K9 presence to safely deescalate situations. <br />
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