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<br /> <br />III. INFORMATIONAL PACKETS. Each commissioner shall receive an informational planning report for the items that are on the regular meeting agenda no later than the Friday preceding <br /> the regular meeting. Each commissioner is responsible for reviewing the material within the packet prior to the regular agenda meeting. <br /> <br />IV. ATTENDANCE. Commission members shall advise the designated Staff member or chairperson of an anticipated absence from any regularly scheduled Economic Development Commission meeting. <br /> Any member attending less than eighty percent of the meetings per year without consent of the commission shall be deemed to have vacated the office, and such vacancy shall be filled <br /> by the EDA pursuant the Chapter 408.06 of the Municipal Code. A leave of absence may be granted by the consent of the commission. <br /> <br />V. PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANTS. Advice from, consultation with, and/or requests for review by the City Attorney, Bond Attorney, City Engineer, City Planning Agency, or other paid consultants <br /> shall be in accordance with the Municipal Code. <br /> <br />VI. ADJOURNMENT. Meetings shall adjourn on or before 90 minutes from the time of call to order unless a two-thirds majority of the members present agree to extend the time of adjournment. <br /> <br />