Mounds View Charter Commission Minutes - APPROVED
<br />Tuesday, March 23, 2021
<br />1.Call to Order. The electronic virtual meeting came to order at 6:35 PM.
<br />2.Roll Call. Present: B. Amundsen, D. Erickson, Bob J King Jr., J. Peterson, G. Quick, R. Scholl,
<br />R. Warren
<br />Excused:
<br />Absent: B. Clawson, M. Munson
<br /> Also present: Council Liaison Gary Meehlhause, City Administrator Nyle Zikmund, and City
<br />Finance Director Mark Beer
<br />3.Approval of Agenda and Minutes.
<br />A. Approve Agenda.
<br />Chair R. Warren introduced Preliminary Agenda.
<br />Motion, by G. Quick, and second, by B. King, to adopt the agenda as amended, adding item to correct
<br />previously approved minutes. Roll call vote, B. Amundsen - aye, D. Erickson - aye, B. King Jr. - aye, J.
<br />Peterson - aye, G. Quick - aye, R. Scholl - aye, R. Warren - aye; all present voted aye. Motion Adopted
<br />B. Approve Minutes.
<br />Chair R. Warren asked for review of Secretary's January 26, 2021, minutes.
<br />Motion, by B. Amundsen, and second, by R. Scholl, to accept the Minutes as presented. Roll call vote, B.
<br />Amundsen - aye, D. Erickson - aye, B. King Jr. - aye, J. Peterson - aye, G. Quick - aye, R. Scholl - aye, R.
<br />Warren - aye; all present voted aye. Motion Adopted
<br />C. Correction of October 29, 2020, previously approved minutes.
<br />Chair R. Warren asked for correction of October 2020 minutes. Motion, by B. King, and second, by D.
<br />Erickson, to correct the minutes of October 29, 2020, to show R. Scholl was present and not M. Munson.
<br />Roll call vote, B. Amundsen - aye, D. Erickson - aye, B. King Jr. - aye, J. Peterson - aye, G. Quick - aye, R.
<br />Scholl - aye, R. Warren - aye; all present voted aye. Motion Adopted
<br />4.Citizens Comment from the Floor.
<br />None.
<br />5.Reports of Chair.
<br />Chair R. Warren, pursuant to the Commissions last meeting, arranged for City Finance Directory Mark Beer,
<br />to be in attendance and present to the Commission an overview of the City's finances.
<br />6.Reports of Members.
<br />None.
<br />7.Unfinished Business.
<br />Chapter 7 Taxation and Finances – Review with Mark Beer. Chair R. Warren again introduced the City
<br />Finance Director Mark Beer. Mr. Beer then made a presentation to the Commission of the city financial
<br />funds, funding sources, and expenditures. Mr. Beer's final slide introduced the City Council's request that
<br />the Commission consider changing the Charter levy limit language to the greater of 8% or inflation.
<br />Questions from Commissioners occurred during the presentation. Unanswered questions for staff response
<br />and future Commission review included:
<br />1.What is average number of officers per population for Mounds View and what is that number
<br />for a Minnesota community of similar size?
<br />2.What was the city's 2004 (19%) and 2005 25% tax increase dollar impact to the average
<br />homeowner in those years?
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