By DOUGLAS V.MOON lighted field would be the most PREPARING THE SITE
<br /> cost-effective. It is worthwhile to review what
<br /> • oftball is the most popular The most desirable playing time happened when we implemented ••
<br /> participatory sport in the Unit- for most people is a weekday even- our plans, both in terms of general
<br /> ed States, and in Henderson ing after work.That's when the tax- guidance and specific steps that can
<br /> County, N.C., softball is a passion. payers are available to play, or to be taken to minimize costs.
<br /> In 1985, more than 2,300 people watch their sons and daughters play.
<br /> participated on 133 men's,women's, Without lighting,one field can ac
<br /> boys'and girls'softball and baseball commodate either two night soft-
<br /> teams,playing on seven fields(four ball games(one hour each)at 6 p.m. Two unlighted fields would
<br /> lighted)at the 212-acre Jackson Park. t
<br /> and 7 p.m., or one baseball game cost$110,000, while one li ht •
<br /> -
<br /> At that, the facilities were inade- g
<br /> (two hours):
<br /> quate to meet the demand. Since ed field would cost$80,000,
<br /> 1981,12 men's softball teams had re Of course, if extra innings be
<br /> quested playing time,and we were come necessary, or if there are de- thus creating a capital say
<br /> unable to serve them. Since 1983, lays caused by rain or injuries,later ings of $30,000.
<br /> eight Babe Ruth League teams had innings can be troublesome,or may
<br /> requested fields,because the indus have to be postponed.
<br /> trial field they were using was about To accommodate our unmet
<br /> to become unavailable. • needs, two new unlighted fields In this latter respect,however,the
<br /> The options included building •
<br /> would have been required.Alterna- key to long-term cost savings has al •
<br /> -
<br /> two unlighted fields or one •
<br /> tively,we could have added just one ways been quality. Almost invari-
<br /> twld, aand we determinedieldsor lightedt the field with lighting, permitting play ably, if you cut costs by cutting
<br /> of four softball games,two baseball corners,the end result will be more
<br /> games,or combinations of softball expense rather than less.Either the
<br /> and baseball. lighting will be inadequate or the
<br /> For others trying to decide be- cost of operating and maintaining
<br /> 'a tween lighted and unlighted fields, the system will be more expensive
<br /> Table 1 on page 45 indicates how the than necessary.
<br /> dollar difference between the The site we selected for the new
<br /> choices might look,assuming land ball field comprised six acres nes-
<br /> must be acquired. tied between two streams. Because
<br /> The numbers will vary substantial- the area was part of an old city land-
<br /> ` ly from location to location, de- fill,we had to call in the Henderson-
<br /> pending on the cost of the land, ville operations department and the
<br /> labor and electricity. In our case,we Tennessee Valley Authority.
<br /> already owned the land,so the cost The latter had to be consulted be-
<br /> of acquiring it was not a factor. cause potential land erosion could
<br /> We estimated construction costs spread wastes. TVA found that no
<br /> (not including parking facilities) at hazardous materials were present
<br /> $55,000 per field, with an added and gave us the go-ahead to build.
<br /> $25,000 for lighting. That meant to- However,they discovered that the
<br /> tal construction costs of$110,000 for waste was covered with only four to
<br /> two unlighted fields or $80,000 for five inches of soil, instead of the
<br /> one lighted field,creating a capital four to five feet needed.As a result,
<br /> savings of $30,000. we had to purchase and spread
<br /> Annual operating and mainte- 5,000 cubic yards of fill,creating an
<br /> nance costs were estimated at$8,000 unanticipated cost of $11,000.
<br /> • per field, with an additional $5,000 All of the surveying, design and
<br /> for lighting. Based on those esti- specification was handled by our
<br /> mates, two unlighted fields would public works department,following
<br /> cost $16,000 annually, while one standards and guidelines devel-
<br /> lighted field would cost$13,000,for oped by the American Softball As-
<br /> an annual savings of $3,000. sociation and Babe Ruth Baseball.
<br /> _ _,_._ Given the savings in capital costs, Foul lines are 310 feet long, and
<br /> and assuming the county would be the furthest distance between the
<br /> able to earn 10 percent annual in- outfield and home plate is 350 feet.
<br /> ______._. terest on its cash reserves, it would To the extent possible,home plate
<br /> have been worthwhile to have in- should be on the north side of the
<br /> 'IIIII' stalled the lighting, even if annual infield and second base on the
<br /> O&M costs were $3,000 more per south, so sunset will not interfere
<br /> year.As can be seen,however,light- with the pitcher's or batter's vision.
<br /> - ing reduces annual costs, creating We had to shift the layout slightly
<br /> I i
<br /> I a double benefit. (Continued on next page)
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