r -
<br /> f • •
<br /> LIGHTING plication engineer,whose services for Babe Ruth play.This requires an
<br /> were provided as part of the cost of average of 30 maintained footcan-
<br /> (ConlinuedIron,page 41) the equipment and materials weob- dles in the infield, and 20 main- ,
<br /> • from the ideal,because of the loca- tained from the manufacturer. tained footcandles in the outfield. •
<br /> •
<br /> tion of the two streams. With the engineer's help,we were (Maintained footcandles refers to
<br /> The field was completed in May able to accomplish the following: the amount of light produced, on •
<br /> 1985, but the lighting installation • Determine appropriate light ley- average, after the initial "burn-in."
<br /> •
<br /> had to be delayed because of the els:When a sports field will be used Light sources produce more light
<br /> unanticipated construction costs. for different types of play, the type when they are new. Output then
<br /> Nonetheless,the field was used for having the most demanding visual typically recedes to a fairly constant
<br /> practice and league play almost requirements should be the one for level for a time, after which output
<br /> from the moment it was ready. which lighting is' selected. drops precipitously. The ability to
<br /> Since baseball is slightly more sustain maintained footcandles de-
<br /> visually demanding thah softball, pends on the frequency with which
<br /> We were fortunate in that we were we decided to develop our design lamps are changed.)
<br /> able to rely on a manufacturer's ap- to meet standards recommended • Select lamps:The most efficient
<br /> lamp suited for the purpose is the
<br /> one that should be selected.
<br /> " " i " ' RQ-��� Mercury vapor is populargbe-
<br /> ` • A• A � v�,�( cause of its Ion life and ood color
<br /> 4, ',,4g a tri.' .ti. rendition,but we decided against it
<br /> =: 4F frKIM
<br /> Ffi 7_iiaIkJn because of low efficiency.
<br /> x High-pressure sodium lamp's are
<br /> �( f51 LI ne far more efficient than mercury va-
<br /> por por and last as long, but they pro-
<br /> '' �
<br /> I
<br /> •" duce agolden-white color,causing
<br /> -� - lviarker what is called "color shifting;' in
<br /> which reds take on a brownish cast. .
<br /> • . We wanted more accurate color
<br /> •
<br /> + means rendition,especially because many
<br /> ----4:"25-.:,—_—:----•:-.. ..- of our games are telecast locally,so
<br /> -Kp'f� — ' fewer we selected metal halide lamps.
<br /> • They produce better color than
<br /> ...r.1.... .......Iraa. �'
<br /> ♦ refills mercury vapor, last almost as long,
<br /> and are almost as efficient as high-
<br /> pressure sodium.
<br /> B&G's stainless steel Line • Select mounting method: Flood-
<br /> ;,,,, Marker holds a whopping 7 gal- li hts can be mounted on metal,
<br /> Ions of paint,to cover a lot of g
<br /> ground between refills.At full concrete or wooden poles,or on ex-
<br /> walking speed,with just a touch isting structures. We had no exist-
<br /> • - . of your finger,you can make ing structures, so that eliminated
<br /> . . straight, curved, broken or con-
<br /> . that option.
<br /> tinuous lines without skips. You
<br /> ' can adjust the line width,and The decision between metal,con-
<br /> even hand-stencil numbers crete or wooden poles can be made •
<br /> ,.�.. without any extra attachments. based on cost and aesthetics. •
<br /> With its long hose, the LineGenerally speaking,wooden poles
<br /> ., • Marker lets you work up to 5' are less costly to purchase than con- •
<br /> 1, ,.f away from the tank.
<br /> Besides being easy to use, crete or metal, but they offer less
<br /> - $ -L• B&G's Line Marker is alsd`easy flexibility in terms of maintenance
<br /> -- - to clean.The stainless steel procedures.(Fixtures cannot usual-
<br /> -_.�._. tank,which has a 5"wide open ly be lowered for maintenance,
<br /> ill) - 1---
<br /> ing,detaches from the cart.The making a cherry picker or other
<br /> cart is made of strong, long means necessary).
<br /> lasting steel—while the pump
<br /> is rust-resistant brass. However, we chose wooden
<br /> When you're done with the poles, because a trade-off agree-
<br /> field,do the parking lot. We'll ment with the local fire department
<br /> sell you more paint. gave us access to a cherry picker
<br /> and maintenance crew at virtually
<br /> no cost. (See below under "Oper- ,
<br /> SJ o 3 U. Ep"s°'" "` ating Cost Factors.")
<br /> , °ate` • Determine proper pole locations: •
<br /> Applebutter Lane,Plumsteadville,PA 18949
<br /> (215)766-8811•(800)544-8811 Proper baseball lighting requires '
<br /> (Tex.902061 237-8014 IMOCOPIn TDV light from no less than four loca-
<br /> tions and no more than eight.
<br /> Circle 30 on the Information Request Card
<br /> 42 ATHLETIC BUSINESS,May, 1987 .
<br />