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1986 THE BULLETIN <br /> . ore sports <br /> Tn the HuddleW <br /> By Fran Leahan the two players. "Now what'S going <br /> I WAS FORTUNATE to have some <br /> to happen next Tuesday?" great coaches when I was in school.I i <br /> "If we play like that, we're pro- can't remember much about <br /> h bably going to lose," one of them whether we won or lost of even howl <br /> E <br /> responded. did. But simple things like a pat on <br /> •, "No," Ronglien insisted. "You're the butt or an encouraging "good <br /> going to go out there and win next game,Leahan,"stuck with me.And <br /> . week." words of praise, when deserved, <br /> • "Okay," the boy responded. gave me the courage and confidence. <br /> Keeping sports i n perspective "Say it,"demanded the coach. "I I needed to face other challenges in <br /> want you to say it.You're going back my life. <br /> • <br /> ----, out there on Tuesday and win one." Let's make a new year's resolu- <br /> He wanted them to believe they tion to keep our priorities in order. <br /> 4 J '' ' could do it. ,, : Sports are fun. It's entertainment. <br /> IT'S CHRISTMAS.As many of the Some coaches can sometimes lose= locker room to visit with him and the The boy got the point. And I was It's a microcosm of life that we can <br /> sports programs take a bit of a sight of the place that sports should, team. impressed. In analyzing the game learn a Iot from.So let's squeeze out <br /> break over the holiday season I play in a young person's life.Instead Some of the sophomores in the Ronglien accurately pinpointed ner- of our games the stuff we need to <br /> thought this an appropriate time to of using athletics as a learning ex-g outer locker room waited very quiet- vousness and a tough Mounds View face the really important things in <br /> share my thoughts on high school perience, they become more con-1 ly as Ronglien spoke to his team inside defense. He also saw his out- life. <br /> sports and what place they should cerned with their job,their pride,or behind closed doors. They were as side shooters lose confidence by the Have a great'Christmas! <br /> have in our lives. the team's record, and adopt a win- quiet as you'll ever see sophomores second half and become afraid to <br /> For the athletes, it's easy for at-all-costs attitude. , get.And the tension was as thick as shoot because they had tensed up <br /> sports to become number one. a Dairy Queen Blizzard. and missed a few in the first half.He <br /> Games are fun and much more ex- ON DECEMBER 12 I was cover- But behind the door there was no wasn't calling anyone names, or <br /> citing and instantly rewarding than ing the Irondale-Mounds View boys •shouting, -no berating, no finger- blaming specific individuals. But he <br /> school is. But when a student basketball game when something . pointing. And when the coach came seemed to understand what the boys <br /> becomes so involved in sports that happened to inspire me to write this out he brought seniors Travis Sabby had gone through. They didn't need <br /> education is pushed aside, it's time column.Irondale led throughout but and Steve Mays with him. The four someone to tell them they had failed. <br /> for the parents to step in and reset dropped the game in the final two of us went into another room and They saw the scoreboard. And if <br /> the priorities. minutes in an emotionally draining chatted about the game. anything, they wanted to win the <br /> evening. Many of the Irondale fans game too much. _ <br /> When I participated in track,cross left,heads hanging.It's really tough THE BOYS HUNG their heads but . It was refreshing to see a varsity <br /> country,basketball and hockey dur- losing to their rivals from Mounds° the coach was smiling. And his at- coach in a major pressure sport that <br /> ing my younger days, my parents View, especially when they led titude toward his players stressed had things in proper perspective. I <br /> (known as some of the strictest on throughout and it seemed .that; the positive. The defense looked have seen so many occasions where <br /> the block)made sure that my grades nothing could go right towards the good, he reasoned. And that's the adult coaches ride young athletes in- ` <br /> were top notch or I was out of the end of the game. The Irondale side, hardest part of the game to teach. to the ground.True,some jocks need <br /> program. It was hard to take, as it had every right to be frustrated., The offense was off but he offered discipline. But I just don't feel that <br /> may be for some of my friends now I needed to talk to Larry Ronglien, some sound theories on why.And he much good can come from berating <br /> participating in high school sports. Irondale's new head coach,and ask- . encouraged the two athletes to speak a student in front of his teammates <br /> But, looking back at the ripe age of ed if I could call him in the morning.' to me, having them propose their or reminding someone they have <br /> 30, it all makes good sense. They I wouldn't have been surprised if he_ opinions on why the Knights had failed..They need to learn from their <br /> were just trying to keepthings in said he didn't even want,to tali to lost. ,., ... f•' <br /> - -- mow: ��- failures so they can better <br /> proper perspective for me. me. Instead, he invited me Into the "So we lost ale game,"he said to themselves. `' <br /> III <br />