• VT. PAUL AntiArixtq ic41.04114ria T.M ttYkrE
<br /> Minutes December 8,1987
<br /> Attendance- Ben Withhart, Richard Arey, Bill Chiat, Bill Donnay,Otis Oodfrey,Bill Frank,
<br /> Bob Bierscieid,Tom Dwight,Perry Bolin,Judy Erickson,Joe Terma11,Joe Srheunemann,
<br /> Truman Porter,Sara Pillow,Dave Surdmark,Bruce J. Thompson,Terry Huntrods,Roger
<br /> Carlson, Elliott Perovich,Joe Thorny:on,Cynthia Wheeler.Staff- Peggy Lynch
<br /> Absent - Mike Horan,Anne Kelly,Oayle Peterson,Kathleen Olsen.
<br /> Also present- Lynn Wolfe, Manager of Support Services;Kathy Stack, Director Community
<br /> Services St. Paul;Bob Piram,Superintendent St. Paul Parks and Recreation;Larry Holmberg,
<br /> Supervisor Planning Section,Ra-risey County Parks and Recreatioi;Mike Mattson,Acting
<br /> Director Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department;Milt Krona and Bernie Edmonds,
<br /> local consultants.
<br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chair Elliott Per-ovich. He asked for approval of .
<br /> the agenda. MSP.
<br /> I. Minutes were amended. MSP. Bill Chiat introduced himself. He is marketing and public
<br /> affairs specialist for the DNR. Prior to this job he was Public information Officer working in
<br /> the area of state parks.
<br /> • II. Bob Piram, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, introduced Kathy Stack,
<br /> Director'of Community Services,St. Paul. Bob then showed slides and went through the written
<br /> information distributed at the meeting on the St. Paul Parks and Recreation services and
<br /> facilities.
<br /> The first was the Comprehensive Plan. This is divided into three sections;development and
<br /> management;open space policies,and recreation service polices.
<br /> The second item was the budget for 1988. The first page summarized operating funds that come
<br /> from the City's General Operating Funds or property tax levy and shows the 1988 budget at
<br /> close to 12 million dollars. The second page includes totals from special funds, or funds that
<br /> include user fees, rentals and other revenue generating programs and is around$7 million
<br /> dollars. In the summer months total number of full and part time staff is over 600. This is the
<br /> largest service agency in the Department of Community Services. The third page shows
<br /> capital funds, from St. Paul's Capitol Improvement Budget, federal Community Development
<br /> Block grants and LAWCON Grants,State grants,Metro Council grants for the regional parks,and
<br /> other grants. Bob was asked about the status of federal grants. He answered that until a new
<br /> administration is in Washington,they didn't look promising. Judy Erickson said that LAWCON
<br /> grants are due to expire in 1989 and there is a debate going on in Congress about these funds.
<br /> The third page shows the existing expenditures of capital dollars. Around$80 million has
<br /> been spent in capital funds for parks and recreation in St. Paul over the last 17 years. The
<br /> fourth page shows per capita expenditures for metro area communities budgeted for 1988.
<br /> St. Paul is fourth in this expenditure at $72.20.
<br /> • The St. Paul system is comprised of 3500 acres,and includes 5 regional parks, 49 recreation
<br /> centers( which is scheduled to be reduced to 42), 14 community education centers, 37 miles of
<br /> parkways, 85,000 boulevard trees and many small neighborhood parks and facilities.
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