Keeping Up page 3
<br /> • the cities of Minneapolis and St.Paul(where 40 to 59 year old group will be the fastest
<br /> Use of Twin Gty Area about 30 percent of the region's population growing segment of our population over
<br /> resides).This level of use is directly related the next 15 years) and seniors will likely
<br /> Regional Parks to the number of highly developed parks in have a major effect on recreation services.
<br /> close proximity to the most densly popu- Service providers will need to be sensitive
<br /> • Increases lated portion of the Metropolitan Area. In to the recreational needs and preferences
<br /> suburban and quasi-rural areas, regional of mature adults and seniors, as well as
<br /> Grant Scholen parks are well used,but usually in proportion ways to alleviate barriers to participation.
<br /> to the density of population in their service An aging population is only one aspect
<br /> The Metropolitan Council of the Twin area. In these parks, many visitors travel of the changing populations with special
<br /> Cities Area and 10 regional park implement- further to reach the parks and stay for recreational needs—seniors, racial and
<br /> ing agencies recently completed a survey longer periods of time. ethnic minority persons,disabled persons,
<br /> which indicates use of regional parks has Recent leisure studies and reports sug- single-parent families and low income
<br /> Increased 42 percent,or 7 percent annually, gest that close to home opportunities are persons.Many of these groups are interre-
<br /> since 1982. Almost 12 million visits were becoming even more important:users are lated and most are becoming an increas-
<br /> estimated in 1987 compared to 8.4 million Increasing the number of recreational trips/ ingly larger portion of the overall popula-
<br /> in 1982.The 1987 estimates are based on outings they take and decreasing the length tion.All of these groups have special recre-
<br /> 3,500 two-hour random samples taken at of time they stay. Because of increased ation needs which service providers must
<br /> entrances to 43 regional parks, park re- work-related time,users are interested in recognize and provide for.
<br /> serves and regional trails.The 45,000 acre quality recreational experiences during their It is important to consider these factors
<br /> regional system includes major natural limited leisure time. as we plan for the changing recreational
<br /> resource-based parks owned and operated Heavy use of regional parks will likely needs of the future.As our planning con-
<br /> by counties (Anoka, Carver, Dakota, continue well into the future. Since the tinues and a system of natural resource-
<br /> Ramsey, Scott and Washington), cities Metropolitan Park Act established a coor- based parks is provided,the regional park
<br /> (Bloomington and St.Paul)and special park dinated regional park system in 1974,large system will strive to meet the Metropolitan
<br /> districts(Minneapolis Park and Recreation tracts of quality open space lands have Area's regional recreation needs as we
<br /> Board and Suburban Hennepin Regional been acquired which support basic outdoor enter the 21st century.
<br /> Park District). recreation activities. Facilities provided
<br /> For these estimates,a"visit"was counted support activities which have demonstrated
<br /> each time a person entered a park.With a a sustained popularity for decades—pic-
<br /> Metropolitan Area population of just over nicking, swimming, hiking/biking, fishing,
<br /> two million people,the estimates represent camping and boating. A Metropolitan
<br /> about six visits per year for each person. Council survey of leisure preference by
<br /> Considering the 12 million figure in this Metropolitan Area residents in 1983 re-
<br /> context, it may be surprising that total affirmed the continual strong interest in
<br /> visitation was not higher.The average visits these activities.The provision of a diversity Make Your 1988
<br /> er person-per year figure for regional park of basic opportunities within a natural n
<br /> users is actually higher because: 1)not all resource-based setting continues to attract NRPA Congress
<br /> Metropolitan Area residents use the parks, large numbers of users.While many recrea-
<br /> and 2)not all users are from the Metropoli- tional activities have major fluctuations in Registration
<br /> tan Area.Also,the estimates do not include popularity,the"basics"have stood the test
<br /> visitation at golf courses or athletic fields. of time and continue to be a wise use of tax EARLY
<br /> According to the recently published dollars.
<br /> President's Commission on Americans In the future,many"change factors"will Due to the fact that a new major down
<br /> Outdoors, the overall growth in outdoor influence recreational interests and partici-
<br /> town hotel will not be readyfor an
<br /> recreation participation nationwide has pation. Recreation planners and service occupancy
<br /> ry
<br /> been about three to four percent annually providers must be sensitive to changes in in time for the 1988 NRPA Congress in
<br /> In recent years.So why has the annual use personal/societal behavior and demogra- Indianapolis, there will be a shortage of
<br /> of regional parks been increasing by seven phics.For example,one impetus for creating conveniently located hotel rooms.
<br /> percent?Although there are several related a coordinated regional park system was So the word to the wise is to register
<br /> factors, two major reasons are likely: 1) a related to the energy crisis of the mid- early to give yourself the best chance for
<br /> major increase in the number of parks and 1970s—legislators recognized the need to the hotel of your choice.
<br /> park facilities,and 2)a continued increase establish recreational parks near population
<br /> in the 20 to 39 year old portion of the centers. If personal mobility is again re-
<br /> Metropolitan Area population.Since 1982, stricted by a limited energy supply, urban
<br /> five new regional parks have been devel- park systems can expect to be used even
<br /> oped(Lake Minnewashta,Clifton E.French, more heavily than they are today. POTA REcR
<br /> and Long Lake Regional parks; Lake Limo Elderly persons constitute an increasing ^ANN (tK ASSO 't/O
<br /> and Rice Creek Chain-of-Lakes Park percentage of our population. In the P�,O� �T0�
<br /> Reserves)and at least a dozen new major Metropolitan Area,the over 60 population
<br /> park facilities have been completed.At the is projected to increase from approximately
<br /> same time, the young adult population, 14 percent of the population in 1985 to
<br /> which has traditionally been the most active nearly 24 percent in 2020 (most of the IVO
<br /> segment of regional park users, has in- dramatic growth will occur after 2010).
<br /> creased by nearly 100,000 people. So In Over the next 30years,elderly persons will
<br /> effect, the capacity of the regional park be better educated,in better physical con-
<br /> .stem grew at the same time that recrea- dition, and have more fully developed
<br /> .'on demand increased. recreation behaviors than past elderly
<br /> In most park systems,people tend to use generations.All of these factors are associ-
<br /> accessible, "close to home" parks most ated with higher outdoor recreation activity.
<br /> frequently. In the regional park system, As our population ages, the anticipated
<br /> over 60 percent of the total visits occur in higher activity level of mature adults (the
<br />