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<br /> 1
<br /> matching funds raised by local civic groups; and spearhead the walkways programs.
<br /> 1 • merchants, developer donations, project. Another aspect of Walkways at
<br /> I and individual and in-kind contri- • Compiles a walkway master lour Doorstep is called Con1-
<br /> butions. In fact, a local lancl de- Nan to guide the development of nnniity Action I INA. 'Phis two-fold
<br /> eloper already has pledged to an intcrconneCte(I 5Vsteni of cite- project spreads information about ,
<br /> install about $150,000 of the im- wide walkways and trails. 'These the Walkways at Your Doorstep
<br /> provements in Fredericksburg. plans will include a map of exist- program and the successes of the
<br /> • 1,i n k i ng t he Com m u n it y's ing and proposed routes based on model walkways projects to coil)- •.
<br /> schools, residential, shopping, citizen input, a survey of possible nlunities across the t I.S.,and helps
<br /> and recreational areas, and ex- routes, as well as guidelines for as many communities as possible
<br /> tending from the old downtown planning, design. and develop- carry out local walkway improve-
<br /> business district to the newly ment of the walkway and related meat projects. In this project. the
<br /> . developed areas, the city's path- facilities. walkways Center offers a wide
<br /> way system offers a unique show- • Installs rolie markers and variety of ideas and resources to
<br /> case that will use an abandoned directional sins. the community:
<br /> railroad right-of-way. utility cor- • Publishes a /wile (Iesc'ri/pii n • Community-Initiation
<br /> ridors, city sidewalks, a canal urn/). (;rains. Communities across the
<br /> towpath, paved and unpaved • Retains a/urh/icrc'Iatic)n.cfirni P.S. will have the opportunity to
<br /> trails, conservation easements, to coordinate national publicity compete through a national con-
<br /> and a city dock. The use of this for the project. test for a series of $5,000 and
<br /> variety of resources embodies the • Cosponsors a cc)ruunrriitt' $10.000 grants to initiate• local
<br /> commission's ideas about search- u'afkn'at' (-de/nation to inaugu- walkway projects.
<br /> ing for new ways to provide open rate the complete walkway, focus • 7i'chnica/ Manna/. This will
<br /> space in urban settings. attention on its recreation paten- provide city planners and park
<br /> Fredericksburg Councilman tial, and encourage people in and recreation professionals with
<br /> • Christopher I)uerksen says of the other communities to create their specific information on the de-
<br /> project, This pathway system will own walkways. sign, construction. and nlainte-
<br /> proyide a priceless recreational In the past. most communities nance of walkways.
<br /> and health/fitness resource for the funded such projects through lo- • Citizens'Handbook, This spi-
<br /> entire community,as well as error- cal budget items,such as the parks ral-bound manual will draw on the
<br /> mous economic benefits. We, and and recreation budget,and sought experiences of people across the
<br /> our children, will be able to walk additional funding from the state country who have been inyohyed
<br /> or bike to and from out- homes, government. \walk\ways has a with successful trail projects and
<br /> schools, stores, and parks without unique approach which begins model walkways. The manual will
<br /> worrying about traffic or its pollu- with private corporate funding to provide local citizens and civic
<br /> tion hazards." accomplish planning and ground- groups with step-by-step instruc-
<br /> Fach model walkway is initiated work and then attracts matching tions on how to plan, fund, over-
<br /> through a two-year matching grant grants through community efforts come problems. and establish
<br /> that: with local businesses such as dc- walkways in their communities.
<br /> • firings a ,KNiorial ach,isoia' velopers and radio statins. Gov- • ,Special .Su/)/)Iemenis. 'These
<br /> leant to the community, as- ernment funds are seen as fill-in- will be designed for use with the
<br /> sembled and staffed by The Walk- the-gap funds rather than the fi- citizens' handbook to help scout
<br /> Ways Center,to offer expert advice nancial foundat ion for projects. leaders,members of the American
<br /> based on experiences in other Corporations have already Association of Retired Persons,
<br /> communities and help ensure the pledged almost $100.0N)1) in sup- and other groups to carry out
<br /> project is conducted in such a port of Walkways at lin►/Doorstep. walkway projects.
<br /> manner that it provides a nu This seed money will attract fur- • Mode/ Zoning Ordinances.
<br /> for other communities. flier grants from other corporate I)istrihuted with the technical
<br /> • Establishes a local uaI.(n'at. sponsors. alloying grams to) be manual. these model ordinances
<br /> /)/anniiir'; ,:',run/) to solicit citizen leveraged at 20 to one through will offer incentives for de-
<br /> 0 input: coordinate work with the private initiatives, encouraging 'doper:s to improve community
<br /> city council, city planning and citizen participation,and enabling walking facilities and encourage
<br /> recreation department staffs, and communities to develop model then) to incorporate safe, aurae,
<br /> jti(x;t)RER 19t;7/P&R s
<br />