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<br /> AO ',mar NO)`, rive, and contiguous walking rot- walks are inforn>al walking routes
<br /> • Ires into office harks, shopping that will use existing pedestrian
<br /> areas, and housing developments facilities and rights-of-way and will
<br /> '41
<br /> rl., and to demonstrate how pleasant be created through cooperation
<br /> o
<br /> walking routes can improve the with neighbors to provide inter-
<br /> •A, sales appeal of their develop- esting routes where people can
<br /> ., ' I • �)'.� meats.
<br /> • walk in their own neighborhood.)
<br /> Wrlkrt rrl ,llurkei . I nit(win • The 1V'alkerS Network. This
<br /> route markers and directional computerized database will con-
<br /> "6+Itii, signs, which are attractive, rola- min case studies, bibliographies,
<br /> lively vandal-proof, and inexpen- and contact lists to allow citizens,
<br /> sive to manufacture, install, and city planners, developers, and lo-
<br /> Iii maintain are being designed. Of- cal merchants to share inlornta-
<br /> Iicial suppliers will be established tion and ideas,and contact people
<br /> ,........___4 to keep manufacturing costs low. in other communities that have
<br /> �+ rw z� �,r .. -. Cities and towns will be enc( carried out successful walkway
<br /> ' `�'�L�l`!r 4� *..,4` aged to adopt these signs as a projects. This is an expansion of
<br /> - standard, so that designated walk- Walk'lalk, a computerized infin'-
<br /> HOW TO BRING ways can be easily recognized and nation service, another Walkways
<br /> WALKWAYS TO YOUR followed, wherever a person may at Your Doorsteps project that will
<br /> DOORSTEP travel in the 11.S. become available this fall. The
<br /> • Walkway Kiosks.These will be information service will also pro-
<br /> 1. The first step is to look set up in participating stores duce tip booklets such as"Walking
<br /> around your community and throughout the H.S., beginning in Can Save lour Life," "Finding
<br /> take stock of current 1988, to publicize the program, Friends on Foot," "Walking I loli-
<br /> resources. What exists? Bike sell related walking products,and days: Adventures on Foot," and
<br /> • trails? Historic landmarks? make program materials and "What to 'lake Along."
<br /> Streambeds? Right-of-ways? order [(wits for publications The WalkWays Center is ready
<br /> Prepare a map and a case widely available. and waiting to help you bring
<br /> study of what you find in • Good walking Facilities are walkways to your comnlunitys
<br /> your community. Good /Business. A handbook liw doorstep.As a resource,the center
<br /> 2. Next, now that you know local merchants and businesses on can help you analyze your cowl-
<br /> what you have, what do you the economic advantages of im- in unity's needs and resources,
<br /> need? What do the citizens proving pedestrian facilities, with match you with the expertise you
<br /> involved want? What would case studies to demonstrate how need, and help you develop crc-
<br /> they use? Ilas a survey been better walkways lead to increased ative funding. 'the center wel-
<br /> conducted? If not, could you fix>t traffic past points of purchase comes your input. We can include
<br /> conduct a needs assessment and increased tourism which, in your Community:~ case study in
<br /> survey? What could be done turn, lead to improved sales and the center's database and provide
<br /> to make better use of the revenues. valuable information for others.
<br /> resources you have? For • /torr-to Guides. 'These will The center is also interested in
<br /> instance, are there two focus (in walking projects that are your input in developing the tech-
<br /> separate paths that could be easy to carry out. They are part of nical manual and special stipple-
<br /> linked? the "tip booklet" series that will went for parks and recreation
<br /> 3. Brainstorm about possible be distributed through The Walk- professionals. 0
<br /> private funding sources that Ways Center's information service.
<br /> might be interested in your Four of the guides planned t<>r the E/)%/U/eS NOTE: For more infer
<br /> community's project. Gather series are: "I low to Start a Walking 'nation on Wrlkuways at Iron'
<br /> names of community Club," "f low to Start a Mall Walk- Doorstep or The WalkWa)w(.'carer,
<br /> organizations that might help ing Program," "I low to Organize a !mite to the Center at 73.3 /5/Lr
<br /> solicit local matching funds. Walking Event," and "II ow to Street,N.W.,Smite 427, Washington
<br /> • 4. Contact the Walkways Center. Create a Neighborhood Walk At D.C. 20005 or telephone (20 2)
<br /> Your Doorstep." (Neighborhood 7,37-9555.
<br /> I'&IU()CI')ITER 1987/35
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