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04-23-2024 PRF Packet
Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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04-23-2024 PRF Packet
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MV Parks, Recreation & Forestry Commission
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In order to receive constructive input from the sustainability advisory board on specific strategies and <br /> measures, separate working groups should be formed to allow for in-depth analysis. The working group <br /> meetings should focus on the details of the plan. The full board meetings should share information from <br /> the working group meetings to ensure coordination between working groups and to ensure all ideas are <br /> aligned with the big picture. <br /> Interdepartmental team members should be included in these working group meetings and should use <br /> these meetings as a venue for floating policy ideas and receiving feedback. Sustainability advisory board <br /> members should attend working group meetings themselves, but since they will tend to be very busy <br /> people, they should be allowed to send a representative from their organization with expertise in the is- <br /> sues. It works best when there is one representative who attends all the meetings so they stay abreast <br /> with the issues. <br /> After the plan is released, the role of the sustainability advisory board can shift to advising on the imple- <br /> mentation of the plan and/or monitoring implementation of the plan. Some local governments may <br /> choose to "sun-shine" their boards after the plan is developed, whereas others may continue to keep the <br /> board involved in the plan development. <br /> SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY BOARD <br /> RESPONSIBILITIES. <br /> • Provide strategic guidance on the scope and goals of the plan <br /> • Review the findings of the sustainability assessment <br /> • Provide input on the strategies for the plan <br /> • Gather data for the sustainability assessment and research best practices <br /> • Participate in in-depth working group meetings <br /> • Provide input and feedback to the interdepartmental team on strategies and <br /> specific measures <br /> Approximate time co -r,tr , ,rit. 4- 7 h ur ;,r r ye ll <br /> - _ . _.._ _ _ —„-- <br /> Elected <br /> w. ._Elected Officials <br /> No matter the governance structure of a local government, it is essential to have buy-in to develop the <br /> sustainability plan from at least one elected official, preferably the chief elected official. The chief elected <br /> official will play a critical role in communicating key messages to the public, ensuring the commitment <br /> and participation of government departments, and in providing a public face to the plan to ensure <br /> governmental accountability in implementing the plan. <br /> Although the chief elected official may not initially lead the charge to develop a sustainability plan, the <br /> sustainability coordinator and departmental directors will need to ensure that the chief elected official <br /> supports the planning process and understands how the plan fits into the overarching goals of the community. <br /> 20 <br />
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