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- Item No: 5G <br />MOLNDS, VIEW Meeting Date:02/12/2024 <br />Type of Business: Consent Agenda <br />Administrator Review: <br />City of Mounds View Staff Report <br />NEU- <br />To: Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />From: Ben Zender, Chief of Police <br />Item Title/Subject: Resolution 9872, Approving Migration of Video Footage from <br />the Physical Server to the Cloud for the Police Department <br />Video Evidence Library. <br />Introduction: <br />The Police Department is due to upgrade the physical on -site WatchGuard server to the <br />cloud for video evidence library storage. <br />Discussion: <br />The department is requesting to migrate the remaining video footage from the physical <br />on -site WatchGuard server to the cloud for video evidence library. <br />The original WatchGuard server was purchased in 2017. The server is out of warranty, <br />out of date, and in immediate need to be replaced. The Mounds View Police <br />Department as well as the public deserve to have reliable video evidence storage. Once <br />the physical server is replaced, this will allow the Mounds View Police Department to <br />begin to replace the body worn cameras as well as additional equipment necessary. <br />As of now, the old Vista body worn cameras are compatible with the cloud. Motorola is <br />not making Vista body cameras any more and are currently making and implementing <br />the new V700 body worn cameras. The V700s are not compatible with our current <br />physical server. <br />The total purchasing cost of migrating the remaining video footage from the physical <br />server to the cloud storage for the police department video evidence library is <br />approximately $3,600.00 from Account 480-4200-3030. <br />Recommendation: <br />Staff recommends authorizing the migration of the remaining video footage from the <br />physical on -site WatchGuard server to the cloud for video evidence library for the police <br />department. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Ben Zender <br />Chief of Police <br />