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Section 5. Secretary. The Secretary shall prepare the records, record the minutes and votes at each <br />meeting stating what was done, not what was said, and submit them to the Chair before the next <br />regularly scheduled meeting. On, or before, December 31st of each year, the Secretary shall submit <br />to the Chief Judge of the District Court the Chair’s approved annual report outlining the <br />Commission’s activities and accomplishments. The Secretary shall forward a copy of the report to <br />the City Administrator. The Commission may designate by majority voice vote an Assistant <br />Secretary from the Charter Commission membership whose duties shall be to assist the Secretary, <br />and to perform the duties of Secretary in the event of the absence or vacation of office by the <br />Secretary until such time as the Commission elects a new Secretary. <br />Section 6. Additional Duties. The officers of the Commission shall perform such other duties and <br />functions as may from time to time be required by the Commission or its bylaws or rules. <br />Section 7. Compensation; Expenses. The members of the Commission shall receive no <br />compensation, but the Commission may employ an attorney and other personnel to assist in <br />amending or revising the City Charter, and the reasonable compensation and the cost of printing <br />such charter, or any amendment or revision thereof, when so directed by the Commission shall be <br />paid by the City. The amount of reasonable and necessary Commission expenses shall be so paid by <br />the City in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 410.06, as amended. <br />Section 8. Elections. The Chair, Vice-Chair, Second Vice-Chair and Secretary shall be elected from <br />among the members of the Commission within 90 days after November 1st of even-numbered years, <br />and shall hold office for two years or until their successors are elected and qualified. The Chair shall <br />conduct the election. Officers shall be declared elected and qualified by a simple majority vote of <br />those present and voting. Nomination for the position of Chair requires one year of service on the <br />commission to be eligible. No officer shall be eligible to hold more than six consecutive terms in the <br />same office. In filling vacancies for unexpired terms, an officer who has served more than half of a <br />term is considered to have served a full term in that office. Newly elected officers shall take office at <br />the close of the meeting in which the election is held. <br />Section 9. Vacancies. Vacancy in an office is declared by a motion brought before the Commission <br />by any Commissioner when a member resigns or a member is absent from four consecutive regular <br />Commission meetings without being excused by the Commission. A vacancy in the office of Chair, <br />Vice-Chair, Second Vice-Chair or Secretary shall be filled by a special election by the Commission <br />within 90 days of the vacancy. The elected successor shall serve the unexpired term of office starting <br />at the close of the meeting in which the election is held. <br />Section 10. Appointments. It is the responsibility of each individual member that is eligible for re- <br />appointment to submit to the Judicial District Court Chief Judge the appropriate paper work for re- <br />appointment consideration. A qualified and acting member shall be defined as a person who has <br />been appointed by the Judicial District Court Chief Judge and has confirmed their acceptance of that <br />appointment by signing and returning a notarized oath of acceptance. <br />Mounds View Charter Commission By-laws March 19, 2024 Page 2