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ARTICLE III – MEETINGS <br />Section 1. Regular Meetings. The Commission shall meet at least once during each calendar year. <br />All meetings shall be held in the Mounds View City Hall unless meeting notices state otherwise. All <br />meetings shall comply with the Minnesota Open Meeting Law (Minnesota Statutes, Section 13D, as <br />amended). The meetings will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order Newly <br />Revised. <br />Section 2. Special Meetings. The Chair or any two members of the Commission may call a special <br />meeting to transact any business stated in the meeting notice in accordance with state law. Notice of <br />the special meeting shall state the time, date, place and business to be conducted at the special <br />meeting. Notices may be delivered by email or any method of contact that provides an <br />acknowledgment of receipt of the notice. Any member that does not acknowledge receipt must have <br />the notice delivered in person or mailed to the member’s designated mailing address at least three <br />days prior to the special meeting. The business to be considered at special meetings shall be limited <br />to that stated in the meeting notice unless all members of the Commission are present and vote <br />unanimously to conduct additional business. <br />The Chair may call a special meeting, when required to meet statutory timelines, regarding a petition <br />to amend the charter, as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 410.12, subdivision 1, as amended. <br />(either to propose the amendment submitted in a petition or to review a proposed amendment <br />summary) as well as when an amendment to the charter is submitted to the Commission by the City <br />Council as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 410.12, subdivision 5, as amended. <br />Section 3. Quorum. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 410.05, as amended, a quorum <br />shall be defined as follows: If there are nine (9) qualified and acting members, then five (5) members <br />shall constitute a quorum. If there are less than nine (9) qualified and acting members, then four (4) <br />members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting the commission’s business and <br />exercising its powers and for all other purposes. If the commission lacks a quorum, a smaller number <br />of members may set a time to reconvene the commission, continue to meet as a subcommittee if <br />desired, and report their discussions to the commission. <br />Section 4. Order of Business. <br />The Commission shall use the following order of business at its meetings: <br /> 1. Call to Order <br /> 2. Roll Call. <br /> 3. Approval of Minutes. <br /> 4. Citizens Comments from the floor. <br /> 5. Reports of the Chair. <br /> 6. Reports from members or committees. <br /> 7. Unfinished Business. <br /> 8. New Business. <br /> 9. Adjournment. <br />Order of Business may be changed at a meeting by a majority vote of the commission members <br />present. <br />Mounds View Charter Commission By-laws March 19, 2024 Page 3