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Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes <br />October 24, 2001 <br />Roll Call: Sherry Gunn and Jerold Kahn, absent <br />Dave Long late to meeting <br />Also present: Kathleen Miller, Administrator and Charlie Hansen, Finance <br />Director, Shannon Roepke, YMCA <br />Approval of May 23, 2001 Minutes: <br />Motion: Dan Coughlin <br />2"d: Mike Szepanski <br />Unfinished Business: <br />3a) Silver View Park Fence update, per Dazenski, it will be completed still <br />this fall. Dazenski also noted that the materials are being donated and the <br />fence project will be in conjunction with other concrete work at the park. <br />3b) Community Survey Status; Kroeger asked what is the status of sending out <br />a survey and if so could this survey be combined with other City <br />departments to save money. Miller stated that no further action had been <br />taken and that she would check the budget for the availability of funds. <br />Coughlin suggested that the survey be professionally done so that specific <br />questions could be addressed. Motion made by Silvis to recommend to <br />council that a professional survey be initiated focusing on Park and <br />Recreation. 2nd by Mike Szepanski. Unanimously passed. <br />3e) Coughlin noted that the Parks and Recreation Commission previously <br />passed, on a unanimous vote, a motion requiring that the Mounds View <br />Community Program Committee be renamed the Mounds View <br />Community Center Focus Group. Coughlin reiterated that the reason for <br />the requested name change was that the Commission wanted to make it <br />clear that it reserved for itself full advisory authority provided in the city <br />code to the City Council in areas pertaining to recreational programming. <br />Coughlin stated that Hillview Shelter is an unfinished business item even <br />though it was not on the agenda and asked about the progress of the new <br />shelter. Dazenski stated that the shelter is in the process of being <br />constructed and is on schedule; completion date should be December 14, <br />2001. <br />Kroeger stated that in the unfinished business of May 23, 2001 discussion <br />occurred regarding the scheduling of the Greenfield Park field. Roepke <br />stated that this would be taken care of by the YMCA. Also the <br />maintenance of Edgewood field was discussed; it was determined that <br />those using the field would maintain them but how to get the word out. <br />Coughlin stated that this item would be more appropriate for February <br />2002 as Unfinished Business and will be addressed then. <br />