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Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes <br />November 28, 2001 <br />Roll Call: Silvis, Pothen, Long, Kroeger, Coughlin, Dazenski, Roepke <br />Excused Absents: Gunn, Szczepanski <br />Absent: Kahn <br />Approval of October 24, 2001 Minutes: <br />Coughlin handed out changes to October 24, 2001 minutes and the <br />Committee approved. <br />Motion: Silvis <br />2°d: Long <br />Unfinished Business: <br />Item 3a) Continue discussion on the YMCA vs an In -House Administrative <br />Structure. <br />Coughlin asked Dazenski if any further information had come from the <br />Administrator regarding this topic. Dazenski replied that he hasn't <br />received anything additional. <br />This item will remain as unfinished business. <br />Item 3b) Status of Community Survey Plans. <br />` Coughlin asked Dazenski if he had received any further information on <br />this from the Administrator. Dazenski replied that he has not. Coughlin <br />mentioned that he had tried calling the Administrator earlier this week but <br />wasn't able to reach her. Coughlin stated that he will contact her again to <br />touch base. <br />This item will remain as unfinished business. <br />Item 3 c) Discuss the potential need for a skate park. <br />Coughlin said when he was Mayor, he would receive letters from <br />individuals (big and small) inquiring on the possibility of establishing a <br />skate park in Mounds View. <br />Kroeger stated there are a number of people that are interesting in getting <br />a skate park. Kroeger suggested that other communities be contacted <br />(Shoreview and Roseville) regarding how they established one and the <br />costs. <br />Coughlin asked for a consensus to move towards investigating the idea of <br />establishing a skate park. <br />The entire commission consented to the have this investigated further. <br />Kroeger asked if the commission should insert this item in the survey. <br />Coughlin stated that the next item on the agenda, 3d, regarding the <br />Trailways, could also be tied into the inline skate or skate board issue; <br />then roll it into the bonding bill in the State. Coughlin stated that the <br />Republicans and Democrats are pushing for the State bonding bill to <br />exceed One Billion Dollars and are looking for projects of regional impact <br />