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<br />Appendix A-6 <br />that is the subject of efforts by the individual or organization that are reasonable under the <br />circumstances to maintain its secrecy; and (3) that derives independent economic value, actual or <br />potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means <br />by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use are nonpublic data <br />with regard to data not on individuals and as private data with regard to data on individuals. <br /> <br />Utility Disconnection Data <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.681, subd. 6 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Data on customers provided to the City by a utility regarding <br />disconnection of gas or electric service are private data on individuals or nonpublic data. <br /> <br />ADMINISTRATION <br /> <br />Absentee Ballots <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private/Nonpublic <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.37 and 13.607, subd. 7 and 203B.12, subd. 7 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Sealed absentee ballots before opening by an election judge are <br />private and nonpublic. Names of voters submitting absentee ballots may not be made available <br />for public inspection until the close of voting on Election Day. <br /> <br />Assessor’s Data <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private/Nonpublic <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.51 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Data contained on sales sheets received from private multiple listing <br />service organizations is private where the contract with the organizations requires the City to <br />refrain from making the data available to the public. The following data collected by the City from <br />individuals or business entities concerning income properties are private or nonpublic: (a) detailed <br />income and expense figures; average vacancy factors; verified net rentable areas or net usable area, <br />whichever is appropriate; anticipated income and expenses; projected vacancy factors; and lease <br />information. Income information on individuals collected and maintained by the City to determine <br />eligibility of property for class 4d under Minn. Stat. § 273.128 and 273.13, is private data on <br />individuals. <br /> <br />Candidates for Election to City Council <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Public/Private <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Op. Atty. Gen. No. 852, October 6, 2006; Advisory Opinion No. 05- <br />036; Minn. Stat. § 13.607, subd. 8 and 204B.06, subd. 1b <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Data created, collected, or maintained about an individual candidate <br />for election to the City Council is public. An affidavit of candidacy must state an address of <br />residence and telephone number. The candidate may request that the address be classified as <br />private data by certifying that a police report has been submitted or an order for protection has <br />been issued in regard to the safety of the candidate or candidate’s family, or that the candidate’s <br />address is otherwise private pursuant to Minnesota law. <br />